Example sentences of "[vb past] [that] it [verb] been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It transpired that it had been syphoned off into private businesses .
2 Anderson , the Clerk to the meeting , who was strongly attached to Sir John Anstruther , when he was called upon to attach the seal to the commission returning Alexander ‘ pretended that it had been abstracted from him ’ .
3 Blix , in Libya for the opening of the first Arab conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy , visited Libya 's one declared nuclear reactor , the small Soviet-built Tajura research reactor outside Tripoli , and found that it had been shut down since June 1991 because spare parts were no longer available and most of the Soviet scientists who had worked there had gone home .
4 Subsequently , however , the Moscow correspondent of the daily La Stampa examined the original of the letter , which had been discovered in the KGB archives , and reported that it had been misquoted in 12 places .
5 Airlift Book Company this week announced that it had been appointed exclusive UK distributor for Shambhala Publications , taking over from Rider Books ( part of Random House ) on 1st April .
6 Qaddumi announced that it had been agreed in principle that Al-Fatah , the largest constituent group within the PLO , would re-open its offices in the Syrian capital after a break of eight years .
7 He later also revealed that it had been planned to install a new government including prominent political exiles Mohammed Mzali and Ahmed Ben Salah .
8 On July 29 the South Korean government revealed that it had been invited by the North to attend talks in China on a development project in the Tumen River region , on the Sino-North Korean border .
9 Believing still that the catastrophe had been caused by other people and the actions of other people , believing it as firmly as Kate believed that it had been caused by devils and Quentin that it was part of God 's mystery , Lavinia saw a spark in the gloom .
10 We had often seen its crumbling ramparts from a distance , and had assumed it was Dutch , but now learnt that it had been built by the islanders , long before the Europeans .
11 She learnt that it had been developed in the 1920s by a German physician , Dr Max Gerson .
12 However , the attack , which was thought to have been planned for Kiechle 's 60th birthday party on March 3 in Bavaria , had not taken place and a further letter from the RAF stated that it had been called off due to a " mistake in co-ordination " .
13 As an estimated 5.5 million Jaguar shares changed hands , Ford confirmed that it had been granted early approval by US regulatory authorities to begin building its stake , immediately prompting speculation that it had entered the market .
14 As early as 1488–89 , an Act dealing with the Isle of Wight declared that it had been made desolate by being turned into pasture , and that it could not long be defended from the King 's enemies .
15 From July 1 unemployment was officially registered in the Soviet Union for the first time since 1930 ( when Stalin declared that it had been eliminated ) .
16 Aoun , and most Western diplomats , blamed the LF militia for the attack , but Geaga claimed that it had been organized by Aoun 's own intelligence officers in an attempt to gain a measure of international sympathy .
17 The plaintiffs were manufacturers of a boiler disincrustant and claimed that it had been produced by a secret process .
18 Closer examination showed that it had been cut out — a row of stitch-holes could still be seen , and in two places there were scraps of the thread that had formed the stitches .
19 He ordered the tomb of Cyrus at Pasargadear to be well preserved , and he was infuriated when he later discovered that it had been vandalized .
20 On Saturday the owner of another shed at the caravan park discovered that it had been entered and a fishing rod and other fishing equipment , worth £120 , was taken .
21 The property in the car was later put into a van and found by the police who discovered that it had been stolen in the burglary .
22 In this case , the plaintiff purchased a painting of Salisbury Cathedral from the defendants who innocently misrepresented that it had been painted by John Constable .
23 Murimuth called it ‘ turpis pax ’ , the shameful peace ; Henry Knighton recorded that it had been made ‘ without the advice and consent of the community of the realm and the magnates ’ , and the king himself showed his disapproval by refusing to attend his sister 's wedding .
24 The immensity and perfection of God required that it had been done .
25 Her tutored eye saw that it had been made by a skilled seamstress , the tight , low-cut bodice erupting in a flurry of lace at the breast , the equally tight sleeves stiff with fake pearls and silver thread which formed the same flower design that was on the over-skirt .
26 He began by explaining his mission for AEA and whether he saw that it had been accomplished .
27 The Rev. F.B. Meyer , minister of Christ Church Westminster , felt that it had been encouraged by the fact that ‘ Christian men ’ were backing their efforts .
28 ‘ But I understood that it had been arranged that one of us was to go into each room . ’
29 She 'd put a fifty-pound note in it and so she thought that it had been stolen .
30 Reporting the statement , Reuters said that it had been assumed that Pol Pot was directing the Khmers Rouges from secret bases .
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