Example sentences of "[vb past] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That was just about the only redeeming feature of that winter because it formed a kind of bridge which made walking up to the road a lot easier .
2 Five hundred lines to anyone caught sneaking in before the bell ! ’
3 He even tried sneaking back to the library at night , thinking the Bookman might appear after dark , but had to stop this when he backed into Mr Crangle , who was up to the same thing .
4 The researcher stopped hanging on to the doorframe and stepped into the room .
5 She tried looking out of the window to the hospital 's green lawns and the tall eucalypts that stood motionless against a gloriously blue August sky , but found that looking away seemed too impolite .
6 Wondering what would happen I tried pulling up on the boom as I went into a turn .
7 I mean Cyprus has been one of the major growth destinations in the last year or so and erm people stopped going there from the day war broke out .
8 Then I realised this was unusual for an owl , because in the wild they tend to swallow their prey whole , so I simply stopped holding on to the chick and soon she was gobbling it up in one .
9 The ground around Bilbao rises to over 2,000 feet , and our route involved flying just above the tops of nearby hills .
10 To make a living he worked at Sothebys for two years and then set up business selling Cartier objects and jewelry which involved travelling all around the world .
11 Even as I write , my heart is being ‘ roasted ’ because of the pounding music beat coming down from the flat above me .
12 He pointed back down the road to where his travelling companion was still approaching , having adopted a method of riding that involved falling out of the saddle every few seconds .
13 Visitors caught lighting up in the space age reception area at ITN 's spanking new London HQ are told in no uncertain terms that smoking is NOT allowed .
14 The sound it made rustling outside in the trees made him feel comfortable and protected .
15 Joseph noticed that she avoided passing close to the iron grilles closing off the between-deck areas of the ship and when she reached the stern she gazed into the jungle for a moment , then closed her eyes and lifted her face to the gentle warmth of the morning sun .
16 After that I avoided looking down towards the woodpile until , when it was almost too dark to see , I glanced down one last time — and she was gone .
17 Soon the marching changed to slithering as the patrol hit a scree that propelled them forward as if they were on ball-bearings and they came tumbling headlong to the bottom .
18 And , every twenty minutes or so , a storm broke : thunder rumbled , lightning flickered , and tropical rain came crashing down from the showerheads fitted in the ceiling .
19 The ground trembled and over-head many bikes , toy tractors , etc. strung above the ceiling for display purposes , came crashing down upon the team .
20 She must have sat alone there for a good quarter of an hour , singing to herself , before Henry and Lettice came crashing back through the woods , squealing that they had seen Humphrey and Janet and must take to the skiff at once .
21 A car came speeding out of the fog , mounted the pavement and smashed into them .
22 However , I made my position very clear to the Whaddon and Mitchley Argus sports hack , Mark Crowe , when he came sniffing round at the funeral .
23 Scraps of paper , issuing from the city , came twirling in through the cab window .
24 As he entered the paved courtyard the rain came whipping in from the sea , lashing against the car and obliterating everything .
25 She alighted after him , and she crossed the footbridge too , but delayed stepping on to the platform until the train for Waterloo came in .
26 Otley came tearing back down the stairs white as a sheet and put the mug of cocoa down on the table .
27 Ranulf and Maltote following suit just as the two crossbow quarrels came whirring out of the darkness , skimming the tops of their heads .
28 ‘ And I knew it from that first day when you came driving down to the chais like a crazy woman .
29 If you practised walking around with the model in the hover , you should have got the hang of this already .
30 Hers said it was by mistake but I know it was n't and he came wandering out of the wood , all black and shaggy like the Beast in the fairy tale in the most peculiar clothes , very ancient , and dreadful wild hair like pictures of the Prophets . ’
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