Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] the new [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is small wonder that Keynesians stood in perplexed amazement when they tried to relate the new classical theory of unemployment to the unemployment rates which were being experienced in the late 1970s .
2 As a member of the influential Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy ( COMA ) , he helped to establish the new Dietary Reference Values ( DRVs ) for nutrients , which replaced the old RDA ( Recommended Daily Amounts ) guidelines .
3 Though it failed to define the new Socialist Party 's financial needs , the party 's holiday homes , hotels and hunting lodges were obvious targets for re-nationalisation .
4 In 1945 both the US and Soviet governments raced to recognize the new Jewish state .
5 Members such as Fidelina Raymundo were imprisoned , and others decided to join the new armed movement .
6 About 15 funds attended to hear the new chief executive Cedric Scroggs talk frankly about past problems and promise a more open approach to joint development and marketing deals in the future .
7 SECURITY sources believe that the UFF managed to locate the new safe house of the IRA 's top man in North Belfast within just six weeks .
8 There was also a widespread attachment to the Book of Common Prayer burial service , and when in 1653 Barebone 's Parliament abolished church weddings , hundreds of couples refused to accept the new civil ceremony and continued to be married by the clergy .
9 Chile called for an end to the fighting and refused to recognise the new Panamanian leader , Mr Guillermo Endara .
10 She wanted to learn the new domestic geography as soon as she could , to find out what lay behind all the doors and how to light the stove and whereabouts the dog slept .
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