Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 More important , the CGLI argued that the latest proposal from the DES would break undertakings given to it in 1973 , when it agreed to provide the administrative services for TEC , that the latter would be confined to technician occupations and would not be used as an instrument of government policy .
2 Labour reacted by attacking the government for these conditions ; stung by accusations of heartlessness , the Conservatives tried to mobilise the active citizen for the amelioration of the problems .
3 The Committee proposed to raise the maximum penalty for this offence to five years , but limited its recommendation to cases where D actively deceives V and failed to make any provision for cases where D takes advantage of a known mistake .
4 Harriet tried to ignore the possible reason for the marriage which had sprung , unbidden , to mind soon after their arrival .
5 Sweetman turned and pretended to notice the sports-fishing boat for the first time .
6 These figures are for those researchers actually finishing their work and submitting a successful thesis , and they do not include those who failed to complete their research , or who failed to reach the required standard for the granting of the Ph D degree .
7 These figures are for those researchers actually finishing their work and submitting a successful thesis , and they do not include those who failed to complete their research , or who failed to reach the required standard for the granting of the Ph D degree .
8 In time , this economic function may have grown strong enough to draw yet more people to it , so that it came to overshadow the original cause for the settlement 's foundation .
9 I endeavoured to interest the National Council for Civil Liberties in the Black case .
10 Geraldine Ferraro , who had been the Democratic vice-presidential candidate in 1984 , once again suffered because of her husband 's alleged connections with the Mafia and failed to win the Democratic nomination for a Senate seat for New York .
11 The group 's factory and offices in Coventry are currently being re-equipped and refitted to provide the necessary facilities for further growth in the sportswear and equipment market .
12 By 1989–90 the budget was £15.54 million ( 0.53 per cent of the total government expenditure on civil science and technology research and development ) , with an additional £760,000 over two years for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and £5 million pledged to fund the new centre for the prediction of climate change announced by Mrs Thatcher in her UN speech on the environment .
13 I hated to exchange the basic wraparound for a tailored suit , but I had priorities .
14 As the trucks made to leave the following day for the final part of the journey to Arcady , Cabochon asked Ari if he could speak with her , and then told her about what he feared waited in Arcady for him .
15 Ianthe Broome , Daisy Pettigrew , Sister Dew and one or two others whose names she could never remember , now sat down round the table and began to discuss the final arrangements for the bazaar , which had always been exactly the same and always would be , except that from one year to another a pint more or less milk might be ordered for the teas .
16 The produce of the Bengal , as of the East African , fisheries was handled by the Madras market which served to satisfy the Indian demand for pearls for jewellery and decorating clothing .
17 Then , slowly at first , he began to prepare the little boy for this possible destiny .
18 Gerard Fusil , relieved that so many teams had made it across Costa Rica , decided to make the parachuting stage for fun only , making GIGN the winners at the end of the ride 'n' run .
19 After a hose-down , the serial numbers were still intact and Jean 's bank agreed to swap the soiled £65 for crisp new notes .
20 Mr Mukhametshin went to see the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in London .
21 Towards the end of the 3-day FFA meeting , the Japanese , ‘ in a spirit of goodwill and co-operation' ’ , offered to hold the drift-net fleet for 1989–90 to the same level as the previous season — 60 vessels .
22 The summit failed to approve the Malaysian proposal for the establishment of an East Asian Economic Caucus ( EAEC ) .
23 Although the move was defeated and the renationalisation policy endorsed , party members voted to remit the controversial proposal for further consideration .
24 I wish I was doing more hours , though really , cos like , I got to take the whole day for it ,
25 If he showed them the latest Washington telegram which he had seen before his departure [ KPs 66 and 85 ] , they would have been made aware that although they had to exercise the utmost restraint for the time being , a new and firmer policy might soon be adopted .
26 The stories of Manjiku she had heard on the island , when she was herself a girl , had not had happy endings : Manjiku continued to raid the inland waters for women , his hunger was not to be appeased , his need to have babies of his own still raged .
27 Derek Keys was appointed the new Minister of Finance , but retained the Trade and Industry portfolio , and continued to have the specific responsibility for economic co-ordination .
28 For instance , there was no prescription charge for diabetes sufferers although people with cystic fibrosis had to pay the full amount for their drugs .
29 11–2–1903 The Moderator intimated that owing to the state of his health he was no longer able to perform all his duties and resolved to ask the General Assembly for a grant from the Aged and Infirm Ministers ' Fund to aid in securing the services of an unordained assistant .
30 She does n't get a newspaper and had to ask the social security for new shoes for the two children at school where their last pair of trainers got holes .
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