Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] which " in BNC.

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1 As already stressed , the National Unemployed Workers ' Movement and , its mentor , the Communist Party of Great Britain , failed to find the revolutionary spirit which they felt was being dampened and re-channelled by the Labour Party .
2 The 24-year-old local hero failed to find the superb form which saw him win the French Indoor Championships , as he lost his first match to Pete Sampras , 7–6 ( 7–5 ) , 7–6 ( 7–3 ) .
3 Surere was already looking sleeker , Huy thought , as he tried to banish the servile feelings which still rose to the surface when he found himself in the company of his former superior .
4 Certainly I always tried to remember the shocking effect which the sight of so many old prisoners , some of them bearded , all of them strangely dressed , had had on me the first time I arrived in a main camp .
5 Liz had felt herself to be close to Naomi , as she nursed Naomi 's children , slept with Naomi 's husband , took tea or sherry with Naomi 's parents , helped to form the childish letters which her stepchildren wrote to Naomi 's parents thanking them for presents , for outings .
6 Once the government began to exploit their possibilities by raising the true rate of duty and levying special impositions , Parliament remembered its powers and sought to recapture the commanding heights which it had surrendered .
7 There was also an urgency to protect and preserve while it was still possible to do so : the countryside was in change and this seemed to invigorate the various lobbies which fought for their special interest : flora , fauna , landscape , outdoor recreation and protection from development .
8 Anthropological inquiry into the meaning of cultures came to question the established categories which had provided the models and criteria to assess different cultures .
9 The DTI today pledged to dump the existing system which produces an injury total 100 times less than council statistics around 800 against 80,000 a year .
10 cos at the weekend I did really well cos I got a couple done at youth club and a couple done at work I thought , yeah , I was doing really well but Monday I forgot to bring the spare batteries which was a bit divvy of me and I was gon na record it all during sewing Tuesday I went to placement
11 Two made minor changes which , while forestalling the possibility of an exact repetition of the offence in question , failed to rectify the general weakness which the offence had uncovered .
12 Her nimble fingers began to caress the wrinkled pouch which was his scrotum , and to fondle the two unequal balls which were his testicles ; while her soft lips slid erotically down his shaft taking more and more of his quickly swelling cock into her sweet mouth .
13 So I began to visit the civil hospital which had been taken over by the military for wounded and sick men from the British forces further south .
14 They came to the ‘ eye ’ of this storm , below a sullen , winter sky , and at once Tallis began to recognize the deep canyon which she had hollowed those days before , with Morthen .
15 The tall , blond player who had joined West Ham at the tender of age of 17 some four years earlier , had done more than choose the right moment to emerge , he 'd nicely anticipated the coming of the right man , Alf Ramsey , who took over the England management shortly afterwards and began to forge the national side which would win the World Cup in 1966 and in which Moore would play an anchor role .
16 But there 's no meat , she thought , and started to unwrap the various packages which she already knew contained cheese , a couple of kippers , some liver pâté .
17 The argument started when Mr Minashi decided to landscape the 16th green which backs onto the Molloys ' £200,000 17th century cottage .
18 In any technical comment you make , please remember that a former editor made a passionate technical plea for the retention of 405 lines but failed to realise the commercial advantages which had then already accrued in the 625 line camp .
19 Despite his human limitations he managed to retrieve the underwater thorn which would give immortality , although it was stolen from him on his journey back to Uruk by a serpent .
20 However , while cultural and religious conflict was far from uncommon , it is important to point out that many village communities of England managed to avoid the damaging conflicts which existed at Terling and elsewhere .
21 Both Kiki Smith and Cindy Sherman chose to depict the effective violence which the body of a woman suffers under the male gaze .
22 Unlike his predecessor , Avitus was a powerful bishop who managed to harness the local forces which Cautinus had signally failed to dominate .
23 Kevin looked at the policeman as he leaned to accept the proffered match which he was shielding with his fingers .
24 SERAFIN : And thereby have time and energy left to enjoy the open fire which is by our very preference not there to enjoy ?
25 Without influential subjects serving about the pope , the king had to enlist the utmost support which he could muster among the cardinals in order to shape the papal response to his demands .
26 In the early 1970s the then Brezhnev regime had instituted a rigorous Russification programme in the region , but two-thirds of its 4,300,000 residents continued to speak the Romanian dialect which Brezhnev had tried to suppress .
27 Anderson , twice winner of the North of Ireland , and once the South , was hurt when he failed to make the 1989 team which won at Peach Tree .
28 Enthusiastic attempts to drain wetlands throughout the 1970s and early 1980s have in many cases failed to produce the high-quality farmland which was the object of these expensive exercises .
29 The discussion groups ( Appendix II , section 5 ) show how easily a change for the worse in someone 's circumstances can lead to debt troubles : the man in hospital after an accident at work , who then had a breakdown , while overdue credit instalments mounted up to over £100 and led to a court summons ; the family who owed £30 a week on furniture and carpet instalments for their new flat — eventually taken to court after a series of lost jobs ; or ( Appendix III ) the previously secure young widow whose money troubles started when her husband died — although an understanding bank wrote off the outstanding balance on a car loan , a furniture firm refused to accept the reduced instalments which were all that she could afford .
30 If you wanted to list the five magazines which have had the most impact on popular culture since the war , they would have to be Picture Post , Queen , Nova , the Sunday Times Magazine — and The Face .
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