Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The intention was always to develop the College as a learning community , which deliberately sought to emphasise the common experiences of working-class people through the full use of the residential setting by
2 At the Second Congress of the RSDWP those who opposed Lenin — the Mensheviks — sought to dilute the revolutionary purity of the party and weaken its discipline .
3 On Sept. 18 Isidore Mvouba was dismissed as Minister of Trade and Commerce after he failed to attend the first meeting of the Cabinet , attending instead a meeting of his own party , the ( formerly ruling ) Congolese Labour Party ( PCT ) .
4 My predecessor planned to borrow the thick end of £100 billion in the next three years .
5 The steering group then expanded to include the chief executives of Gwynedd County Council and Targed and the regional director of Welsh Water .
6 In the Royal Docks the London Borough of Newham in 1987 agreed to support the broad pattern of land use in three consortia schemes and co-operate with LDDC plans on land development and transport change in the area in return for the provision of 1,500 rented houses , a minimum of £60 million of social facilities and training measures to ensure maximum local employment .
7 The study to which Minerva refers , by Sepkoski et al , compared women who received epidural analgesia , without randomisation , with poorly matched controls who had no pain relief ; matching was based on criteria expected to affect the placental transfer of the local anaesthetic bupivacaine .
8 This was misplaced , they claim , for the franchisors failed to deliver stock , failed to provide the requisite level of back-up and consistently over-estimated the level of sales that franchisees might expect .
9 Beset by mounting criticism at home , and abroad , over the way the issue had been handled , the Japanese government agreed to defer the fifth group of demands and in May 1915 delivered the remainder in the form of an ultimatum .
10 Durkheim sought to establish the scientific credentials of sociology by arguing that it should be concerned only with its own special order of " social facts " ; that is , those events and processes which possessed the qualities of externality , constraint and generality .
11 For world trade was in serious decline and even the belated one-year moratorium on foreign debt payments , announced by Hoover in 1931 , failed to revive the ailing economies of Europe .
12 He was the first of a new generation of writers who sought to repair the post-Conquest destruction of earlier pieties and observances by steady persistence in re-creating the past .
13 However , Hirsch and Leff 's attempt to replicate this study , also reported in their book ( 1975 ) , failed to find the same degree of gross communication disorder as that claimed by Singer and Wynne .
14 The shops were opening and I browsed for a while in one that sold books as well as newspapers and magazines , but I failed to find the American edition of Rodriguez 's book .
15 He soon got to know the other joggers of the district .
16 Although modest in their poetic achievement , they helped to sustain the tenuous thread of the Slovene literary language which led back to Trubar .
17 Some of his harshest condemnations were reserved for those who tried to evade the plain commands of God ( set out in the Old Testament law ) by means of merely human traditions , however venerable .
18 In making his declaration in Lowell , Massachusetts , on April 30 , Tsongas attacked the Washington political culture of " avoidance " and " mediocrity " and promised to restore the economic vitality of the USA .
19 The voters , in other words , had not moved solidly to the right , their position was one of ambivalence ; they had become deeply sceptical about the role of government and yet they still expected government to aid them as they tried to meet the pressing problems of modern life .
20 The Habsburgs thus tried to isolate the various movements of national autonomy from their peasant base , and the Russian tsar did the same in Poland .
21 Forester allowed himself a novelist 's licence in The Hornblower Companion , where admirably executed maps with concise accompanying comment helped to establish the factual background of his stones .
22 In 1970 he helped to found the British wing of Friends of the Earth ; with them he was instrumental in giving a hefty nudge to the rickety barrow of the British nuclear establishment .
23 She found herself gazing with fascination at his hair , which curled slightly against his collar , before her gaze rose to meet the full impact of his startlingly blue gaze .
24 Thus he helped to pass the tedious hours of air travel during a world tour in 1946 by reading Bagehot 's The English Constitution .
25 Gutenberg tried to mimic the gothic calligraphy of his own time when he invented modern printing , because anything else would have been hard to read .
26 Chattering excitedly the children tried to open the other part of the building but it was still padlocked securely , they could see a little through various cracks but there seemed to be nothing of interest in that part .
27 The actions taken by both leaders and followers have , at each turn of the wheel of fortune , helped to create the next round of change .
28 But as we prepared for the day in the early dawn , with the birds tuning up outside our African ‘ rondavel ’ hut , we both felt impelled to reach the tough core of the Right-wing settlers , Smith 's Rhodesia Front .
29 Firstly because , by giving the EEC its own resources from agricultural levies and customs duties , it would give the Commission greater independence ; and secondly because it proposed to widen the budgetary powers of the European Parliament , again strengthening the supranational element in the EEC to which the General was opposed .
30 To those activists of the Catholic right who eventually came together in the CEDA it was an illegitimate document calling for drastic ‘ revision ’ ; more widely it helped to render the passive majority of Spanish Catholics immune from the appeal of conservative Republicanism and drive them into the CEDA 's welcoming embrace .
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