Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Ron lived to see the latter ambition fulfilled from the foundations he laid as Chairman of the racing section of the British Canoe Union and Olympic Team Manager .
2 It was the latter 's son Joseph , now about 55 , who lived to see the whole enterprise brought to a halt by the hostilities .
3 iv A family has received £400 in compensation after a coach holiday firm failed to provide the smoke-free transport specified in the brochure .
4 Mr Bill Loveluck-Edwards , voted best-dressed solicitor in town two years ago , failed to meet the high standards required by the bench in Bridgend , Mid Glamorgan .
5 Thus , when in November 1947 a resolution was put to the United Nations General Assembly ( UNGA ) Committee for Political and Security Questions , calling for a reaffirmation of the December 1946 resolution , it failed to secure the two-thirds majority required for adoption .
6 The centre of the fighting was the headquarters of the Hasidic Lubavitcher sect where blacks and Jews exchanges volleys of bricks and bottles , whilst police in riot gear tried to keep the two groups separated .
7 After Kristallnacht he forbade further attacks on Jews and tried to have the worst ringleaders punished by the courts .
8 Such vigour and severity helped to relieve the financial problems created by Henry III 's improvidence , but it also increased the hostility of barons and people against the Forest system , and against the personal government of Henry III himself .
9 He kissed Laura , sat down , and tried to bring the two subjects put to him into order , and under one heading .
10 EVEN Mick Jagger failed to reach the physical heights achieved by London Contemporary Dance Theatre 's Tom Ward .
11 The concerted yelp of pain as the pack fought to escape the furious cloud echoed among the trees .
12 A hopeful and insufficiently applauded shift in emphasis was signalled in 1986 by the Report of the Attorney General 's Commission on Pornography , which sought to identify the relative harms caused by various forms of pornography , thus making it possible to draw up a list of priorities .
13 Drought in the 1970s and again in 1983 brought four-wheel-drive Toyotas emblazoned with aid-agency logos but aid failed to alleviate the chronic poverty faced by the peasants who make up 90 per cent of the population .
14 Mark jerked the door open and turned to face the American eyes hardened with anger .
15 THE DEATH OF THE Lotus Elan was the result of poor sales which failed to recoup the massive investment made in the car , according to former GM Europe boss Bob Eaton .
16 The apparitions vanished to leave the whole room smeared with blood .
17 It failed to build the essential trust needed to form an effective lobby .
18 Newspapers started to defy the strict censorship imposed during the coup and to poke fun at Mr Serrano .
19 CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who worked to raise the extra £2000 needed in 1988 — the many ways that you devised and involved your class members in helping with was FANTASTIC .
20 She survived to become the only woman appointed by the Aylwin Government to one of 15 council seats which were ‘ vacated ’ by the Pinochet regime , whose members retain the remaining 320 .
21 Bufi met Pope John Paul II in the Vatican on July 4 , when Albania and the Holy See agreed to re-establish the diplomatic relations broken off following the communist takeover in Albania in 1946 .
22 I had suggested all cars would inevitably look the same , as rival designers struggled to meet the same constraints dictated by safety requirements and ever-better fuel economy .
23 In Washington , meanwhile , Mr Smick struggled to have the five-page letter translated .
24 She crossed the room , reached to touch the glistening object embedded in the rock .
25 On June 8 Nabbi Berri offered to exchange the 300 Arabs held by Israel for the bodies of two Israeli soldiers killed in Lebanon .
26 Saddam is seen as the Third World leader who dared to challenge the established order imposed by the West , and for that he must be punished and his country destroyed .
27 They were also effectively administered , since Henry continued to exert the tight control established by his Yorkist predecessors .
28 Concerned with Soviet security he wished to retain the territorial gains made under his pact with Hitler .
29 ‘ Once the quads were born , everything stopped , except we had to get the top floor converted into a nursery , ’ John said .
30 Two resolutions passed by the Russian Supreme Soviet on Jan. 23 stated ( i ) that servicemen of the Black Sea Fleet had to take the military oath established by the CIS [ see p. 38729 ] and ( ii ) that the legislative , international affairs and external economic relations committees of the Russian Supreme Soviet were to examine by Feb. 6 the constitutionality of the 1954 decree transferring the Crimean oblast from Russia to Ukraine [ see p. 13507 ] .
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