Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Moscow tried to encourage the non-aligned states to commit themselves in this region to the ‘ gradual curtailment of distinct forms of military-political cooperation … the non-creation of new forms of multilateral and bilateral alliances , the non-adoption of military functions by non-military regional organisations ’ .
2 She tried to find the right words to explain but discovered only a great disconnection between her brain and her voice , which ensured her silence .
3 Over his remaining thirty years of life he tried to fulfil the Hashemite ambition to rule the whole Arab Levant .
4 Roy Smith , Labour member for Clacton West , tried to persuade the whole council to reject plans to close Priory Meadow , at St Osyth .
5 Opposition members tried to persuade the ruling Tories to push up spending to the Government-imposed limit and put extra cash towards economic development and jobs .
6 Lyn de Alwis now proposed to use the same technique to persuade captured wild elephants to walk quietly into the back of a truck .
7 My gun jammed and William recognised me and came forward laughing and firing shot after shot at me while I waved and tried to duck and these yellow paint balls went splat , splat , thunking into my hired camouflage trousers and combat jacket and smacking into my visored helmet while I waved at him and tried to get the damn gun to work and he just walked forward slowly shooting me ; bastard had his own paint gun and he 'd probably had it souped up ; knowing William , that was almost inevitable .
8 Nine priests came down from Oxford and tried to lay the troubled soul to rest in a nearby pool .
9 They are brought by La Befana — a witch who tried to follow the Three Kings to see Jesus .
10 The committee agreed to urge the Scottish Office to progress as soon as possible and to continue talks on the role of the public sector in the new bridge and its future management .
11 Thus at times one of the Whig connections might work together with a Tory connection in the service of the administration , and they would be opposed by a combination of Whigs and Tories who were out of office and who sought to mobilise the independent back-benchers to put pressure on the government .
12 The important British companies , from Korda 's London Films to Goldcrest , have attracted capital at a point where they seemed to understand the economic need to balance Hollywood extravagance with a strong dose of parsimony , but all have ended up committing suicide by spending huge sums of money on attempts to emulate Hollywood .
13 Caught off balance , Kate tried to keep her teetering emotions on an even keel as she strove to find the right words to explain what had happened in Jason 's office .
14 The bookmakers offered less , racing demanded more and the government-appointed members of the Levy Board , which distributes the money , failed to persuade the two parties to split the difference .
15 Once he began to recognise the key herbs to use , Chris started to experience success with all kinds of ailments and has developed several recipes , such as the one for a general tonic listed here .
16 In the light of the report the Louvre , knowing that it would inherit the Richelieu wing from the Ministry of Finance , due to move to new premises in the east end of Paris , began to study the best way to redistribute its collections .
17 Afterwards the boy 's father decided to consult the local policeman to ask his views about the affair .
18 Miss Crawford would probably stand a much better chance of becoming an actress if she stopped talking about it and started to do the necessary work to bring about her ambition .
19 A two-month dispute between the Lebanese government and UNIFIL ended on Jan. 15 when UNIFIL agreed to allow the Lebanese army to take control of a number of villages in southern Lebanon .
20 The next day I went to see the military commander to ask for permission to stay on to look after stray people and perhaps give pastoral care to the officials and troops left in the city .
21 She pushed her damp curls from her face , and went to open the french doors to let in what wind there was tonight .
22 Some of his achievements are cheered by all , or nearly all : the way in which he stitched together an international coalition against Saddam Hussein ; the way he managed to use the United Nations to prosecute American policy ; his courage .
23 He managed to persuade the central council to accept the policy but , led by the deputy leader Ernest Baird , a majority of the fourteen Vanguard Convention members broke away from Craig .
24 Well , you managed to persuade the young lady to leave the Godstowe road for a spot you had previously chosen .
25 The sense of instability in financial markets increased when Alan Greenspan , the chairman of the US Federal Reserve and one of the world 's most powerful central bankers , appeared to criticise the international efforts to stabilise currencies recently agreed by the Group of Seven main industrial nations , which includes Britain .
26 This study aimed to use the same methods to examine anorectal function in 23 patients with complete supraconal spinal cord lesions and to determinate the relationship between the site of the lesion and the existence of inconsistent phenomena .
27 Instead of an Anschluss , however , Bismarck preferred to woo the other states to join a federation of their own accord .
28 Directors who ought to have realized that insolvent liquidation was inevitable , but who failed to take the necessary step to minimize the potential loss to creditors .
29 The Chief Justice 's reference to the lack of an equal footing was , in my view , to the fact that the defendant was in a position to force the plaintiff to comply with the lawful demand if he wished to obtain the necessary licence to continue to trade , and not simply to the fact that the defendant held an official position whereas the plaintiff did not .
30 Their insistence on the integrity of the Spanish monarchy and their rooted hostility to any form of autonomy thus allowed those creoles who wished to sever the Spanish connexion to present rebellion as the only course .
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