Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Ron lived to see the latter ambition fulfilled from the foundations he laid as Chairman of the racing section of the British Canoe Union and Olympic Team Manager .
2 It was the latter 's son Joseph , now about 55 , who lived to see the whole enterprise brought to a halt by the hostilities .
3 iv A family has received £400 in compensation after a coach holiday firm failed to provide the smoke-free transport specified in the brochure .
4 Mayer was trying to console Gilbert on the day of what should have been his wedding to Garbo , but when the bride failed to appear the forsaken groom fled to the men 's room where Mayer found him crying .
5 Mr Bill Loveluck-Edwards , voted best-dressed solicitor in town two years ago , failed to meet the high standards required by the bench in Bridgend , Mid Glamorgan .
6 Most important was that the Association had lost a high proportion of the key members by death or removal from the area , and failed to attract the younger men coming home from war service who found an outlet in more direct political activity .
7 Thus , when in November 1947 a resolution was put to the United Nations General Assembly ( UNGA ) Committee for Political and Security Questions , calling for a reaffirmation of the December 1946 resolution , it failed to secure the two-thirds majority required for adoption .
8 He helped to draft the Grand Remonstrance reciting the chief points of the king 's misgovernment ( November 1641 ) , and forced his ‘ entire friend ’ William Strode to seek sanctuary in the City when the king came to arrest the ‘ five members ’ ( 4 January 1642 ) .
9 Moscow tried to encourage the non-aligned states to commit themselves in this region to the ‘ gradual curtailment of distinct forms of military-political cooperation … the non-creation of new forms of multilateral and bilateral alliances , the non-adoption of military functions by non-military regional organisations ’ .
10 Sydney : Concern about the performance of News Corporation following a warning by Rupert Murdoch helped to pull the All Ordinaries index down 17.5 points to 1,755.8 , the day 's low .
11 She tried to find the right words to explain but discovered only a great disconnection between her brain and her voice , which ensured her silence .
12 The Government promised to consult the disabled persons transport advisory committee on the introduction of new regulations that would result in better standards of accessibility to buses for the handicapped and the disabled .
13 A food co-op which tried to replace the burned-out shops has been closed after several break-ins , and even the drop-in centre is burgled weekly , according to project worker Sheila Auld .
14 Over his remaining thirty years of life he tried to fulfil the Hashemite ambition to rule the whole Arab Levant .
15 Roy Smith , Labour member for Clacton West , tried to persuade the whole council to reject plans to close Priory Meadow , at St Osyth .
16 Opposition members tried to persuade the ruling Tories to push up spending to the Government-imposed limit and put extra cash towards economic development and jobs .
17 Lyn de Alwis now proposed to use the same technique to persuade captured wild elephants to walk quietly into the back of a truck .
18 The centre of the fighting was the headquarters of the Hasidic Lubavitcher sect where blacks and Jews exchanges volleys of bricks and bottles , whilst police in riot gear tried to keep the two groups separated .
19 My gun jammed and William recognised me and came forward laughing and firing shot after shot at me while I waved and tried to duck and these yellow paint balls went splat , splat , thunking into my hired camouflage trousers and combat jacket and smacking into my visored helmet while I waved at him and tried to get the damn gun to work and he just walked forward slowly shooting me ; bastard had his own paint gun and he 'd probably had it souped up ; knowing William , that was almost inevitable .
20 She helped to get the 90 workers reinstated that year .
21 After Kristallnacht he forbade further attacks on Jews and tried to have the worst ringleaders punished by the courts .
22 Nine priests came down from Oxford and tried to lay the troubled soul to rest in a nearby pool .
23 He campaigned against the war itself and against military and industrial conscription , and helped to organize the early rent strikes in 1915–16 .
24 Such vigour and severity helped to relieve the financial problems created by Henry III 's improvidence , but it also increased the hostility of barons and people against the Forest system , and against the personal government of Henry III himself .
25 Not since the days when Gosplan tried to micro-manage the Soviet Union have government employees attempted anything quite so ambitious , not to say foolhardy .
26 They are brought by La Befana — a witch who tried to follow the Three Kings to see Jesus .
27 Speaking at a Europe Day rally , Mr Bangemann a vice-president of the EC Commission nicknamed Mr Sausage after he tried to ban the British favourite said the ‘ goal of a Federal European State ’ was spelt out ‘ for the first time ’ in the Maastricht Treaty .
28 He kissed Laura , sat down , and tried to bring the two subjects put to him into order , and under one heading .
29 The committee agreed to urge the Scottish Office to progress as soon as possible and to continue talks on the role of the public sector in the new bridge and its future management .
30 EVEN Mick Jagger failed to reach the physical heights achieved by London Contemporary Dance Theatre 's Tom Ward .
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