Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] she [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His ex-wife Margaret claims he tried to kill her at the family home in Brockhampton .
2 When I prised her off and tried to stand her on the floor she kept rocking back and sitting on her tail , then falling over sideways and lying there like a stuffed parrot .
3 As she leaned into the car , the attacker grabbed her and tried to pull her into the vehicle .
4 I promised to remember her to the Harvey-Beaumonts ‘ over the water ’ , and we set off once more , along a road that ran beside a demesne wall .
5 A SPURNED lover disguised himself to kidnap his ex-girlfriend then tried to stab her in the neck with a syringe , a court heard yesterday .
6 He insinuated his right hand under her arm and tried to ease her towards the Bayswater Road .
7 She left her home last night as her owner tried to weigh her in the garden .
8 ‘ Somebody tried to phone her at the flat .
9 He stopped and turned her towards him and tried to kiss her on the mouth .
10 He slid his arm round her narrow waist and bent to kiss her on the forehead .
11 If you tried to pat her on the shoulder and say ‘ There , there , ’ anything might happen .
12 Margaret Jones claims her husband tried to murder her at the family home in Brockhampton , by pumping exhaust fumes from the garage into her bedroom .
13 Oh who cares , I thought , and tried to bundle her into the bag right away .
14 Luke tried to steer her across the road , but she turned on him , her eyes heavy with shadows , her face pale and strained .
15 I knew Ellen hated the cold , and I tried to warn her of the conditions we might expect in those latitudes .
16 She looked at her daughter 's lovely face , and tried to warn her of the dangers of love , but the girl did not listen .
17 One of the cats came to meet her in the wood and accompanied her back into the house .
18 She had not merely been a housekeeper but her qualities of efficiency , cheerfulness and gastronomic expertise seemed to fit her for the task of looking after this unusual pair .
19 In two long strides , Guy abandoned his leaning position by the fireplace and came to take her by the shoulders , shaking her roughly .
20 A great wind of rage seemed to blow her along the passage , flung the door open and then dropped her , becalmed , just inside it .
21 She leant in and stooped to take her under the arms ; like a peach tree blighted by leafcurl , Sycorax lay tinder-dry in a narrow crescent , her body hardly filling the hammock 's web .
22 I recall , for instance , the occasion around that time I happened to encounter her in the back corridor .
23 He turned to face her in the doorway .
24 After a few days of this treatment , Moz began to feel less threatened by his owner , and began to greet her at the gate .
25 She 's a friend of Bertice Reading , who is working at the Prince of Wales Theatre , so I arranged to meet her at the stage door at 2 o'clock .
26 Sheila , however , hung grimly on to it , whereupon the boy began to pull her along the path .
27 He lifted her down from the train , kissed her swiftly , then began to lead her towards the taxi rank .
28 Franz pulled Therese 's arm through his and began to lead her up the track towards the car park , but she stopped and looked back .
29 And again had to wonder what the dickens was the matter with her for Ven , in no way similarly affected , moved and , taking casual hold of her arm , began to lead her across the road .
30 The gale threatened to blow her into the water .
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