Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [noun prp] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The low murmur of conversation in the hotel 's sun lounge was like the crashing of waves to Kelly as she entered to see Annie at a corner table .
2 Rohmer tried to hit Cardiff in the face with his other free fist , but Cardiff was expecting it .
3 Mountbatten tried to tempt Bogyoke with the post of Deputy Inspector-General and the British rank of Brigadier : he was too shrewd to be side-tracked in that way .
4 Ruth Rolph has now re-introduced a recreational class to Cromer and numbers amongst her class members two of the original teachers who helped to put Cromer on the Medau map — Jackie Horner and Sheila Viles .
5 On the only occasion when Warnie tried to probe Jack on the origin or true nature of his relationship with Minto he was shut up with great vehemence .
6 Mrs Hitchcock 's other daughter Stella watched in horror as her mother was slashed on the arms and face as she tried to protect Kelly from the attack .
7 For a bit , she tried to turn Yeats into a warrior , and he tried to turn her into a high priestess of the Celtic mysteries — and thus , of course , into a ‘ moderate ’ .
8 A room which served Coleridge in a different way stood at the back of the house on the first floor : this was Tom Poole 's vaulted bookroom , created by him early in 1795 and filled with a wide-ranging library which helped to reconcile Coleridge to the loss of his frequent visits to the City Library in Bristol .
9 First he would have pushed a strong diversionary force at Charleroi , then , when the allies moved to defend Brussels from the south , he would have launched the real attack to the west .
10 The bitter attacks on Germany by the fledgling but rapidly developing Russian press , after the Berlin settlement of 1878 had so disappointed Russian hopes in the Balkans , helped to push Bismarck towards the alliance with the Habsburg empire which took shape in 1879 .
11 This formed part of a defence line erected to defend Britain in the event of a German establishment of a beach head in Cornwall .
12 ‘ She has to consider her schooling you know , ’ he tried to tell Noreen above the noise of a roomful of O'Neils .
13 Gradually , the Europeans came to see Persia as an ally against the Ottomans .
14 Americans now came to see Castro as a threat and Cuba as a potential base for Communist activity throughout Latin America .
15 A world of muddle seemed to enclose Bob like a jungle .
16 It revolves around a single simple question : how many men came to arrest Jesus in the Garden ?
17 This demonstrated expertise in dealing with nationalists seemed to mark Mountbatten for the job , and when Attlee offered it to him he was sufficiently aware of how much he , and no other , was wanted to attach extraordinary conditions to his acceptance .
18 Perhaps lent the final impetus necessary for successful reception by the proximity of the area of stimulus to that of cognition , this hair-pulling signal finally seemed to awaken Gavin to the perception that there might be something else going on in his immediate area other than the video , undeniably captivating though it was .
19 Though some contemporaries based in Francia ( Nithard , and the Astronomer , for instance ) seemed to regard Aquitaine as a faraway country of which they knew little , Charles did not share that view .
20 Hogan hastened to follow Cowley along the corridor , towards the exit .
21 She turned to catch Archie in the act of trying to vanish upstairs .
22 ‘ Wow , it 's really warm , ’ she said , and turned to help Christina with the picnic basket .
23 It dealt with the creation and fall of man , stressed the gravity of sin and fear of divine retribution , and then turned to present Christ as the answer and escape .
24 The press began to see Morrissey as the spokesman for a new generation .
25 He reserved two rooms in the name James Gage and arranged to meet Paula in the dining-room .
26 The policeman who had kicked me in the groin began to slap Russell around the head .
27 Towards the end of 1807 Napoleon determined to convert Spain into a satellite state in order to control its foreign policy and to manage its resources ; but he was not yet clear how this should be accomplished .
28 Meanwhile , the companies that rushed to endorse COSE after the announcement , such as the database companies , are now trying to figure out what exactly they backed .
29 O'Neill , the former Northern Ireland winger tipped to succeed Clough at the City Ground , still recalls the day he squared up to Ardiles and Ricky Villa , just weeks after they lapped the River Plate Stadium in Buenos Aires as World Cup winners .
30 Sometimes he had to take ‘ no ’ for an answer ; Jon Vickers declined to sing Tristan at the age of 30 , though he would later sing Tristan for Karajan in Salzburg in 1972 .
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