Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [adv] into [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In his first meeting with the TUC General Council in January 1942 , Beveridge rejected their suggestion for a retirement condition , saying ‘ I do not believe the old people leaving the labour market really create fresh employment ’ , but he promised to look further into the matter .
2 Francis hugged Elaine and tried to shrink further into the shadows beneath the screens .
3 It would be naive to expect every fragment surveyed to fall neatly into a pattern in which terraces occurred at certain heights and were completely absent from the other heights .
4 I think it was that perpetual low cloud , it seemed to creep right into the house , and then those terrible winds .
5 In contrast , the Annamese monarch seemed to shrink deeper into the embrace of his gilded throne as though he was only too well aware that the diplomatic niceties of the Frenchman 's address did nothing to alter the fact that he and his people were irretrievably beholden to the will and whim of France .
6 One beltless man , in an official car , signalled to turn right into the car park , saw our photographer , abruptly changed his mind and drove off at high speed down the street .
7 The red glare left Fagg 's eyes : the floating snuff seemed to settle snugly into the folds of his suit .
8 Having subdued the home team 's initial pressure Newcastle began to come more into the game and took the lead after 16 minutes with an excellent goal from their leading scorer Peacock .
9 Once Gloucester was established in the south of County Durham , his influence began to reach further into the bishopric .
10 Once Gloucester was established in the south of County Durham , his influence began to reach further into the bishopric .
11 The other began to talk rapidly into the hand mike of the car radio .
12 The Felder started immediately , and I watched the revs climbing on the rev-counter until I began to roll forward into the open .
13 Before this single , the rather distanced American rock press failed to probe deeply into the phenomenon of The Smiths and had constantly referred to them as some kind of wacko gay outfit , English eccentrics playing lightweight rock .
14 He decided to go straight into the wood without consulting Bigwig , and to trust that the rest would follow .
15 And as you loved to linger late into the twilight ,
16 Twelve days later I received a call from an exultant Sylvia who told me that , on the previous evening , she had in fact managed to go right into the cupboard and switch off the light .
17 Israel proceeded to walk directly into the dybbuk 's slavering jaws , down to where its horrible heart was .
18 I was once on the ridge with my wife , taking photographs , when the silence was shattered suddenly by the scream of a low-flying jet aeroplane ; in a matter of seconds , it skimmed over the full length of the loch , rose a little in the upper valley and then appeared to turn sharply into the mountain wall , passing from sight and sound .
19 He liked to cut directly into the stone , relishing its firm crisp quality .
20 There was a small queue at the rear exit as the men waited to slip away into the night .
21 To regain his sanctuary , we had to push deep into the forest .
22 Every few paces they paused to peer ahead into the gloom , and when they reached a gap in the trees Devraux stopped and pointed .
23 He refused to come downstairs into the cellar but more or less instructed me to return to Oakington at once , as the Commander-in-Chief wanted to speak to me .
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