Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , district councillors felt that none of the objections justified any changes to the proposed order and agreed to go ahead with the scheme .
2 I used to discuss with my brother ways and means of becoming martyrs , and we agreed to go together to the land of the Moors , begging our way for the love of God , so that we might be beheaded there … .
3 The negotiators agreed to meet again before the end of November , and although no date was arranged for the holding of full normalization talks , it was suggested that these might begin before the end of 1990 .
4 Senior Ukraine officials held heated talks in Sevastopol yesterday with fleet leaders and agreed to meet again in the future .
5 It may therefore be proposed that BRAC 's programme failed to communicate properly with the practitioners and consequently alienated them with regard to the concept of the lobon-gur mixture .
6 The therapist also suggested that Pamela should tell her parents more about what she was doing ; for example , what time she planned to come home in the evening .
7 ‘ I bet you never thought you 'd end up as a social accessory whenever you agreed to come here for a holiday !
8 The recession , which we expected to fade away through the year , has hit us full on , and as I write there is little sign of light at the end of the proverbial tunnel .
9 He tried to sit casually on the edge of his desk , farted loudly and stood up again .
10 These had probably been caused as Trixie tried to pull away from the heater .
11 In particular , it promised to look again at the case of Canford Heath in Dorset , where a recent court judgement upheld the decision by Poole Borough Council to build houses on the heath in the face of vociferous opposition from conservation groups , led by the World Wide Fund for Nature [ see ED no .
12 In his first meeting with the TUC General Council in January 1942 , Beveridge rejected their suggestion for a retirement condition , saying ‘ I do not believe the old people leaving the labour market really create fresh employment ’ , but he promised to look further into the matter .
13 Not given to self-pity , he heaved the problem out of his mind and tried to look forward to the challenges of tomorrow , but weariness overtook him and he retired to the shed and his mothy sleeping bag .
14 Francis hugged Elaine and tried to shrink further into the shadows beneath the screens .
15 Gorbachev , in his response to the results , nonetheless claimed that they had received a mandate for the ‘ renewal and strengthening of the union state ’ and promised to press ahead with the conclusion of the union treaty and a new constitution .
16 But for such vituperation and the violence it provoked the law could not punish him , though it tried to do so on a number of occasions .
17 She in turn tried to get away from the bird , but was so firmly strapped into the chair that she was unable to move .
18 He said : ‘ He has fudged and shaded , and tried to get away from the fact that he made specific statements and those statements were wrong .
19 It was too cold to stand and stare , and the wind kept buffeting us dangerously each time we tried to gaze across at the Ocean .
20 ‘ So far comments from Com Tech and MUA suggest that SCO will still be sold by both companies , but neither tried to shy away from the fact that their decisions will hurt SCO .
21 It would be naive to expect every fragment surveyed to fall neatly into a pattern in which terraces occurred at certain heights and were completely absent from the other heights .
22 She strained her eyes into the broken circle of darkness , and a breath of ancient tension and fear seemed to issue chillingly from the hole the river had torn in history .
23 It was one of those days when snow fell all day without sticking and the cold seemed to penetrate right to the bone .
24 The bang of the younger one 's heart seemed to go right through the earth like thundering horses .
25 He was beginning to find pieces which seemed to go together with the hint of a pattern …
26 the rocket was projected up to a considerable height and directed to fall somewhere in the London area .
27 It is up to you , Mr. Deputy Speaker , to decide whether hon. Members are in order , but I must say that the hon. Gentleman went on at considerable length about matters some of which seemed to stray interestingly from the subject of the amendment .
28 Was there a lot of people who came to work here in the fishing town .
29 Several times on my pilgrimage through Biomorph Land I seemed to come close to a precursor of my insects , but , then , in spite of my best efforts as a selecting agent , evolution went off on what proved to be a false trail .
30 Nevertheless , the cost of providing an economic infrastructure was one which seemed to bear heavily upon the people and , as far as the rural communities were concerned , it may be argued that the French occupation brought little positive benefits .
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