Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [noun pl] about [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He is claiming that Imperial Tobacco failed to issue warnings about the health hazards when he started smoking 30 years ago .
2 The main sponsors of the meeting , Professors Matthew Meselson of Harvard University and Carl Kaysen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , declined to answer questions about the meeting , Those who did speak to New Scientist did not know whether a summary of the discussions would be made public ,
3 In the late 1640s and early 1650s , radicals like William Walwyn and Gerrard Winstanley began to express doubts about the doctrine of hell , while the Ranters went so far as to deny the existence of sin , and some early English Unitarians , such as John Bidle , attacked the doctrine of the trinity and denied Christ 's divinity .
4 That 's when I began to have doubts about the company .
5 Most of them were so seedy he began to have doubts about the efficacy of his chosen sport .
6 NATFHE members had threatened strike action in April but it was avoided when management agreed to start negotiations about the contracts .
7 On March 2 , 1990 , a meeting of the Conference in London discussed the implications of the Stevens report [ see above ] , the progress of a joint working party established to make recommendations about the monitoring of Army patrols by the RUC , and extradition matters .
8 Meanwhile , the two sides continued to trade insults about the value of the savings to be gained from the rival strategies being put to shareholders .
9 Claimants allege that the two firms failed to warn doctors about the addiction patients say resulted from prolonged use of Ativan and Valium , prescribed to treat anxiety .
10 WELSH Office minister Gwilym Jones yesterday refused to answer questions about the appointment of his secretary to a £5,000a-year health job .
11 A video , intended to teach children about the dangers of guns , features a black woman who , by some freak of nature , has acquired grandchildren of three different races .
12 Pascoe wanted to ask questions about the man Rob Thomas had seen visiting her .
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