Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [noun pl] of [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As taxpayers we are entitled to know why intelligence services failed to spot signs of an end to the Cold War .
2 It is a matter of deep regret that the Department of Social Security failed to provide copies of the instruments in time for the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments to consider them and report to the House .
3 Pierburg then sought to obtain photographs of a car which was situated in California , and it was held ( plainly correctly ) that this was not a case of evidence being obtained ‘ abroad ’ and so the Convention was inapplicable .
4 Then I commenced a tremulous search through its pages , almost as if I expected to find details of a timeslip between Geneva and where I now was .
5 We tried to give examples of the ways we could try to direct finance to help these sort of things happen .
6 ‘ Yes , ’ said Dr Mortimer , ‘ Laura married a painter called Lyons who came to paint pictures of the moor .
7 Tonight , alone and quiet after the eventful day , the shadows seemed to hold ghosts of the past , and there was so much here to remind her that this had once been Elise 's home .
8 The authorities hastened to present details of the detentions carried out since mid-January , which had attracted concerned comment from both Algerian and international human rights organizations .
9 In it he described a succession of his dreams over a period of thirty years , which seemed to show glimpses of the future , and provided a theory of time to account for them .
10 Photographers arrived to take pictures of the mail bags , and the Yorkshire TV still of Hannah inhabited the front pages for weeks .
11 Chiltern District Council v. Keane [ 1985 ] 1 W.L.R. 619 was an appeal from the High Court in which it was held that ( 1 ) the notice of motion to commit lacked sufficient particularity to enable the alleged contemnor to meet the charge , ( 2 ) there had been no personal service of notice of an adjourned hearing date and ( 3 ) the committal order failed to give particulars of the facts found to constitute the contempt .
12 The Japanese Kyodo news agency reported on May 7 that Yazov and his Chinese counterpart , Gen. Qin , failed to finalize details of an arms deal during the visit .
13 At a certain field strength — the lower critical field — the magnetic field began to penetrate portions of the sample and so the sample was a mixture of superconducting and normal states .
14 Then suddenly , without introduction or explanation , he began to recite verses of the Koran in a sing-song chant .
15 It was only in middle life that he ceased self-denigration and began to accuse others of the faults of which he had previously found himself guilty .
16 The German paleontologist H. G. Bronn ( 1800–62 ) also began to draw diagrams of the history of life representing the overall process as a branching tree .
17 This might suggest that France won the War of the Spanish Succession but nobody in Britain and not many people in France saw the result this way ; it was regarded more as a struggle in which the British asserted themselves militarily on the continent of Europe and began to show signs of a policy of taking over the smaller colonies of other European powers by conquest .
18 Apart from generalities relating to balanced inclined planes , one patent sought to protect details of the lift as a whole ; the second sought to protect the device of gradually reducing the gradient of the upper end of the incline to balance the apparent loss in weight of the descending tank as it became immersed at the lower level .
19 Another charitable event of recent years is the ‘ Shot Gun Start ’ which was stared in 1982 to support the South Atlantic Fund established to help victims of the Falklands Campaign .
20 Benny loved to hear stories of the orphanage .
21 I decided to put sections of the lake and river systems in the background , allowing an impression of the vegetation on the banks and in the distance to give a general idea of which part of a river or what type of lake was shown .
22 They decided to become members of the CIS provided they were given the status of its co-founders .
23 He managed to sever segments of the dragon 's body which his dog took away in its mouth .
24 For £7.50 , GP Services of Huntingdon , Cambs , offered to disclose details of a technique which had been ‘ tried , tested and proven ’ , which required no equipment or capital and which was ‘ currently being used throughout the UK ’ .
25 I agreed to get photos of the fuel rods for the Union in Washington .
26 Despite this , though , Garway continued to articulate suspicions of the court .
27 FCA of who had been found to be in breach of Investment Business Regulation 1.32 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 the firm failed to carry out a review of its compliance procedures in accordance with the terms of the Regulation and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.09 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 the firm failed to warn clients of the extent to which they may be exposed to risk in accordance with the terms of the Regulation and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.32 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 , when the firm gave advice to clients such that , if acted upon , it would result in commission being received , it failed to inform those clients of that position in writing in accordance with the terms of the Regulation and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.47 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 the firm failed to issue engagement letters in accordance with the terms of the Regulation and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.60 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 the firm failed to ensure that it had adequate records in accordance with the terms of the Regulation was reprimanded , fined £500 and ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
28 She wanted to see reconstructions of the accident , diagrams of how it might have come about .
29 They particularly wanted to obtain copies of the prospecting licences to see what conditions were attached .
30 In response to the injunction , residents of Barnahely maintained their 24-hour watch on the site and members of the picket refused to accept copies of the injunction issued against them .
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