Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [noun pl] for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They saw the sense of the plan and agreed to find refuges for the boys in the thick forest between Bolfracks and Kenmore .
2 This is the man behind it all , Ralph Reader , a successful composer in the thirties who agreed to write songs for the scouts to perform and his material is still used today .
3 He rose to give thanks for the thanks .
4 We tried to get witnesses for the defence , but they ail confirmed that he had killed the DO on purpose .
5 The latest round of negotiations with the government over Kurdish autonomy [ see pp. 38126 ; 38211 ; 38308 ] ended on Aug. 20 with apparent agreement on a draft settlement , believed to include provisions for the resettlement of Kurdish refugees and the creation of a Kurdish executive and legislative council for the autonomous region .
6 They were once thought to be very dangerous indeed and believed to steal infants for the Devil to torment in Hell .
7 As they developed , however , the protests came to incorporate demands for the resignation of Roh 's government and merged with the traditional demonstrations commemorating the Kwangju uprising .
8 The appellant appealed pursuant to section 19A(2) of the Act on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the judge failed to consider a wide range of relevant factors in deciding whether to make the order ; ( 2 ) the judge applied the wrong test as to whether the appellant had acted unreasonably ; ( 3 ) the judge failed to give reasons for the making of the order and neither ascertained the amount of wasted costs incurred , nor what party had incurred the wasted costs ; and ( 4 ) had wrongly used the section 19A procedure to punish the appellant .
9 Returning to America he began to write features for a newspaper called the Toronto Star Weekly in 1919 , and in 1921 was married of his own free will to a woman he had met and fallen in love with earlier .
10 Returning to America he began to write features for the Toronto Star Weekly in 1919 and was married in 1921 .
11 This proved unnecessary and massive investment followed to provide facilities for the construction of the latest generation of Atlantic liners .
12 Barbara Studeley , a beauty queen and Miami talk-show hostess , began to broker weapons for the contras after receiving ‘ a commission from God ’ ; the initials of her company , GeoMiliTech , also stood for ‘ God 's Mighty Team ’ .
13 So we began to make preparations for the wedding .
14 He soon started to gather illustrations for The Tourist 's New Guide to the Lake District , but as with the Manchester plan , it took much longer than he had hoped , and the final version was not published until 1819 .
15 Rather rudely , perhaps , Hamilton decided to take Bustos for a romp and leave them all to it .
16 Even the offer of free membership in the group 's fan club failed to shift tickets for the gig near Swindon , Wilts .
17 The Parents Support Group at Grove Park Day Nursery managed to raise funds for the project in just six months .
18 The Parents ' Support Group at Grove Park Day Nursery managed to raise funds for the project in just six months .
19 ALLEGATIONS that the Swiss government failed to pay kidnappers for the release of an abducted Red Cross official in Sidon last year may lie behind the seizure yesterday of two more Swiss delegates of the International Red Cross .
20 The best and most thought-provoking images will be published and sold to raise funds for the RSPB campaign for the countryside , to be launched in September .
21 He was obliging , and liked to run errands for the girl and help her with the care of her old lady .
22 With their insistent anti-Polish , anti-Jewish and anti-Communist propaganda , their apparently radical economic policies , their contempt for the ‘ weakness ’ of Weimar democracy , their emphasis on military virtues and their theories of racial supremacy , the Nazis appeared to have solutions for the problems that beset the Reich .
23 A child protection review , discussed below , is another type of child protection conference convened to review arrangements for the protection of a child .
24 Her argument was that the subjects of the old master paintings could be disregarded by a painter who wished to find lessons for the present in the artistic practice of the past .
25 By 1800 , Nez Perce buffalo-hunting expeditions to the Yellowstone had become too dangerous , and five years later a council in the Kamiah valley resolved to obtain firearms for the tribe .
26 We would have liked to rebuild it but then we had to find places for the people to go and being a narrow valley it , most of the housing was put at the end of the town .
27 Despite his failing health — it was rumoured , but never confirmed , that he was suffering from cancer — Abe continued to harbour ambitions for the premiership .
28 Appeal organisers hoped to sell tickets for the prize draw outside the ground a few weeks ago but a cold snap forced the football match to be cancelled .
29 ‘ We had to draw straws for the food we had . ’
30 In addition to his military household , rewarded with " annual gifts " of clothes and equipment , Charles had to field armies for the sort of warfare that did not appeal much to Frankish nobles — namely , defensive or non-expansionist war ; and here the availability of cash stipends may have helped recruit professional warriors ( including Vikings ) .
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