Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Mozart spent part of the autumn of 1790 in Frankfurt , but failed to attract the financial success he desperately needed .
2 As already stressed , the National Unemployed Workers ' Movement and , its mentor , the Communist Party of Great Britain , failed to find the revolutionary spirit which they felt was being dampened and re-channelled by the Labour Party .
3 The 24-year-old local hero failed to find the superb form which saw him win the French Indoor Championships , as he lost his first match to Pete Sampras , 7–6 ( 7–5 ) , 7–6 ( 7–3 ) .
4 Surere was already looking sleeker , Huy thought , as he tried to banish the servile feelings which still rose to the surface when he found himself in the company of his former superior .
5 But this in turn helped to stimulate an Egyptian nationalism which threatened the security of European residents , their investments , and the canal .
6 Certainly I always tried to remember the shocking effect which the sight of so many old prisoners , some of them bearded , all of them strangely dressed , had had on me the first time I arrived in a main camp .
7 Liz had felt herself to be close to Naomi , as she nursed Naomi 's children , slept with Naomi 's husband , took tea or sherry with Naomi 's parents , helped to form the childish letters which her stepchildren wrote to Naomi 's parents thanking them for presents , for outings .
8 When the lone passenger rose to give a Scots woman his seat her husband pulled her back saying , ‘ Do n't you know who he is ?
9 After that , we drove to the Ming Tombs close by , and stopped to have an enormous picnic which they had packed for us at the Friendship Hotel .
10 The more the CIA tried to investigate the more inconsistencies they turned up .
11 Topaz stamped her foot , beside herself with fury as she tried to defend the dead woman whose legacy she had to bear .
12 He had already assessed Paul 's due income from the returns of publishing , and proposed to make an annual settlement which would enable Paul to be kept in comfort in the mental home and , also , provide for the education of the children .
13 But when she tried to make a second foray she was hurled out bodily .
14 Once the government began to exploit their possibilities by raising the true rate of duty and levying special impositions , Parliament remembered its powers and sought to recapture the commanding heights which it had surrendered .
15 Everywhere , Perdita seemed to see the emerald-green colours they had chosen to emphasize their Irish origins , which were worn by players , grooms and supporters alike .
16 In spite of the difficulties caused by the weather , Carrie produced a meal of baked rabbit , potatoes , swede and carrots and put it in front of Seb while the wind rattled the door and windows and an occasional gust seemed to shake the very house itself .
17 He and Chuck vied to identify the exotic birds they saw : ibis , kingfishers , herons , white pheasants and once a peacock darted frantically across their path .
18 Below the streets were alive with people , all of them bathed in the neon glow that seemed to fill the very air itself with multi-coloured energy .
19 There was also an urgency to protect and preserve while it was still possible to do so : the countryside was in change and this seemed to invigorate the various lobbies which fought for their special interest : flora , fauna , landscape , outdoor recreation and protection from development .
20 Anthropological inquiry into the meaning of cultures came to question the established categories which had provided the models and criteria to assess different cultures .
21 At first Diana tolerated the friendship , but soon came to envy the older woman whose company her husband so plainly enjoyed .
22 It was immediately assumed that Robson , who had missed England 's 0-0 draw in Sweden last month because of bruised ribs , would again be absent when his country strove to acquire the further point they need in Poland to ensure qualification for the World Cup finals next summer .
23 For a long moment their glances clashed like swords , then there was a shout behind her , and she turned to see the two men he 'd been talking to and a short stout woman in a dark overall running towards them .
24 As she turned to serve the impatient customer she added : ‘ I 've been in palaces and kings ' houses , Mr Stone .
25 The DTI today pledged to dump the existing system which produces an injury total 100 times less than council statistics around 800 against 80,000 a year .
26 While she claimed to have the upper hand he might well explain much .
27 The door then opened to reveal an irritated householder who was about the business of blow-torching the other side of his front door .
28 cos at the weekend I did really well cos I got a couple done at youth club and a couple done at work I thought , yeah , I was doing really well but Monday I forgot to bring the spare batteries which was a bit divvy of me and I was gon na record it all during sewing Tuesday I went to placement
29 The door opened to show a young woman who was both tall and slender , and baggy and voluminous , for she wore battledress in khaki and green , similar to one which Alice had seen in an Army Surplus shop not long ago .
30 I enjoyed my politico-legal activities and sought to give the best service I could .
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