Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [adv prt] to the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The door was open and I did hear that much when I passed to go in to the ladies ' toilet .
2 Logically , it would make sense to assume that the aircraft failed to come up to the standards of performance and aggressive capability which the Soviets expected of it .
3 When that happened , the others , those whose canoes sank , tried to hold on to the canoes that were still afloat .
4 He began to walk down to the windows and saw an envelope on the floor and when he bent to pick it up , the floor creaked and gave way . ’
5 Before the first week of term was up , awesome tales about the Headmistress , Miss Trunchbull , began to filter through to the newcomers .
6 ‘ By saying that the documentary needed to face up to the frauds , if only to distinguish them from sincere practitioners . ’
7 ‘ Harry had a chip shop in Bradford and it was because of his wife 's health that he decided to move out to the Dales in 1928 , ’ said Richard Richardson , Harry Ramsden 's marketing director .
8 Within the holdings , the biggest disappointment was Thomson Corporation , which failed to live up to the hopes expressed in the last article that ( a ) the travel side would benefit from the collapse of Intasun , a major competitor , ( b ) that the results of the North American ( and at a later stage UK ) newspaper interests would reflect a developing cyclical upturn , and ( c ) that the professional publishing companies would maintain their profits momentum .
9 He says that it is a sad fact that many early RDS receivers failed to perform even basic tasks adequately , and many people have been put off RDS for life because of : ‘ experiences with receivers that performed inadequately and which failed to live up to the promises the broadcasters made for them ’ .
10 The nearest she would get was that she wanted time , time to herself to think , to read , to find out how other people lived ; how they managed to live , how they managed to face up to the tragedies ; their scraping for a living ; and how they managed to cope with love .
11 After two exhausting hours we had to give in to the flames .
12 But he would not countenance a " Party within a Party , " and the NAC had to face up to the consequences of maintaining a separate party in Parliament .
13 and on Friday , on that Friday Mother used to go to Eastwood Hall to collect the er er the wages that my Father had to pay out to the men .
14 They took things that I wanted to pass on to the children
15 Not exactly the sort of thought you wanted to pass on to the police at a time when two boys ' bodies had been found .
16 After the war he rejoined Robertson Hare for two more Ben Travers farces , Outrageous Fortune ( 1947 ) and Wild Horses ( 1952 ) , but though the heyday of the Aldwych farces was long gone , Lynn refused to give in to the changes of theatrical fashion .
17 If she wanted to hang on to the shreds of her professional reputation she 'd better start by controlling her haywire emotions .
18 Two hundred years ago if you wanted to show off to the neighbours you built a tower on a hill which they could n't help but see for miles around .
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