Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , this morning Beth Christie was brighter than usual ; she planned to shop for the dinner party she was holding later in the week .
2 The Barbarians , led by Scotland 's Gavin Hastings , failed to cope with the surface water and were beaten 16–8 by South Korea , who became the first Asian side to reach the semi-finals .
3 Two years later she applied to nurse in the Boer War and died from typhoid fever at Simonstown , aged 37 .
4 MK Trafford Holdings failed in a takeover bid for Manchester United , which failed to float on the stock market as well as the pitch .
5 Mr Goldberg said they could bring a libel action , but he planned to wait until the appeal verdict .
6 Other work , such as McCabe and Mrs Miller , The Long Goodbye , and Nashville , although warmly received by the critics , failed to perform at the box office .
7 For some reason Gadfly failed to appear on the invitation list .
8 He also agreed to grant to the state land at Tatoi as payment for the remainder of his debt .
9 Others had to put up with less ideal locations , and this led to demand for the feng shui practitioner , whose skill was in improving the landscape by correct siting , ensuring that nothing took place to disturb the flows of energy .
10 They agreed to come to the negotiating table and Robert Carnwath , with their counsel , drafted terms of agreement under which a settlement could be worked out .
11 On behalf of the Inter-Regional Group of some 400 radical deputies , Mr Yevtushenko moved to include on the agenda discussion of Article 6 of the constitution , which enshrines the ‘ leading and guiding role ’ of the party .
12 Suppliers selected for trial should be notified and invited to participate in the planning organisation .
13 She closed her door quietly , regretting not leaving the Polo on the road , and tried to sneak through the back way to her room .
14 She spotted a telephone kiosk , and stopped to look in the telephone directory .
15 She paused in front of Barnes and Noble and pretended to look at the book display in the window .
16 What he said was very significant — that the ANC wanted to encourage any film-maker , black or white , who tried to put on the screen images of black people that were recognisably human , and who also tried to give employment and encouragement to black technicians .
17 In panic she stumbled backwards , twisted round and tried to run into the living room .
18 Besides the permanent members of the UN Security Council he proposed to invite to the conference Iran , India and representatives of the Islamic community .
19 But when he tried to get into the maternity wing he found the doors were locked .
20 he tried to get into the house Rhys were
21 Women who tried to get into the car park without a pass this morning were allowed through the barrier , but council officials warned them that they could face disciplinary proceedings if they try again tomorrow .
22 Trouble erupted outside the factory gates as buses carrying workers hired to replace the 340 Timex staff sacked at the end of January , tried to break through the picket line .
23 Under police guard the members of the new union tried to break through the picket line formed by the first union , with fierce clashes taking place …
24 He was hurt as he tried to transfer from the Tayjack rig to the tug Torbay Endeavour off the coast of Sunderland .
25 Taylor promised to abide by the Yamoussoukro settlement , although on Nov. 6 he stressed that he would defend the country against outside threats .
26 The day after we tried to telephone from the post office but could not get through to Alassio .
27 The sellers tried to rely upon the exemption clause .
28 In any case , all this helped to prepare for the militarist attitude that the party was to take when war came , when it could advocate conscription without any fear of the electoral consequences .
29 My mother helped to cater for the funeral tea , which were community affairs with everyone helping .
30 As he touched it Ramlal imagined the great gleaming motor-pump that they planned to set on the river bank to irrigate their fields .
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