Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Franco promised to establish an honest administration free of corrupt officials , and to tackle high inflation and the recession .
2 Central Office tried to keep the local parties alive , for the party truce was only renewed for a few months at a time and parliament was prolonged beyond its five-year term only for a few months at a time too .
3 In last year 's election campaign , Bill Clinton promised to squeeze an extra $10 billion a year from multinational companies with American subsidiaries , which he reckoned were under-taxed .
4 Yates blamed father Mike 's coaching after he failed to reach the 1500 metres final .
5 In many cases , freelance staff , hired to perform a particular task such as writing or modifying a specific computer program , will be deemed to be self-employed .
6 Without any shade of doubt , France deserved to win the first official Five Nations championship and — would have probably grabbed the Grand Slam as well — but for the Twickenham goal posts .
7 One major factor acted to contain the divisive tendencies inherent in the prevailing group orientation .
8 A number planned to use the Mental Illness Specific Grant to help to operationalize care programming .
9 The new Type 22s , ordered to replace the sunken Type 42s and Type 21 frigates , will carry the Vickers gun .
10 One of the earliest jottings I made when I began to keep a crime-writing notebook concerned just this business of plot .
11 Hanging the strap of her bag round her neck , she began to climb a sturdy sycamore adjacent to the wall .
12 So after they 'd been using this stuff with no windows open or anything , one of the workmen began to feel a little bit groggy so he said to his mate and open the back door Charlie , will you , I 'm feeling a bit groggy .
13 After Labour won the general election of 1964 and 1966 , the Conservatives were on the defensive , until the consequences following on the deflation of July 1966 began to make the Labour Government unpopular .
14 Pearce ( 1988 ) , writing about the use of touch in an intensive care unit , differentiates between instrumental touch ( deliberate , physical contact needed to perform a specific task such as washing a patient or dressing a wound ) and expressive touch ( a relatively spontaneous and affective contact which is not necessarily a component of a physical task , such as holding a patient 's hand during a painful procedure ) .
15 Taking all this into account , I decided to choose an All-Time England One-Day XI .
16 Member states also undertook to form an independent South Asian poverty alleviation committee " to conduct an in-depth study of diverse experiences " of the seven nation grouping .
17 Provisions in a contract which purported to give a non-judicial body exclusive power to decide questions affecting the rights of contracting parties would be void as contrary to public policy .
18 ‘ I was brought up in Nigeria , ’ he explained to the court , ‘ and when the consequences of the drought became obvious I decided to put the national interest first and perform the n'dula , a naked rain dance , on the village green .
19 At the same time , by frequently basing an entire ricercar on only one or two themes — inverted , diminished , augmented , drawn together in stretti , sometimes paired with a regular counter-subject — he contrived to give an extended piece musical cohesion replacing the mainly verbal cohesion of a motet .
20 He needed somewhere to store the various artefacts he 'd collected on his travelsand decided to build a gothic tower complete with mullioned arched and trefoil windows … crenellated battlements at the top and even a gargoyle to complete the effect .
21 In fact ‘ they ’ said a lot of things when Wild Country decided to make a Flexible Friend 3 .
22 The survey schools which have , for a variety of reasons , decided to operate a formula-based approach all took a number of points into consideration when devising their own particular scheme .
23 Yugoslavia sought to reconcile the economic interest involved in supporting a foreign navy with the political injunction of the non-aligned world against granting base rights to foreign powers .
24 The 23-year-old failed to score a single goal last season but Brady adds : ‘ When I was at West Ham I saw he was going places . ’
25 Will he pass on the thanks of those of us who went to see the Prime Minister two weeks ago to ask for his help in the matter ?
26 I went to see the old man this morning with Angela Foley to break the news to him .
27 NOT only does the woman in the new Spennymoor town centre sculpture look like she 's sitting on the toilet , and the greyhound look like a ferret or a sausage , someone said but when they went to erect the blessed thing last week it did n't fit the space available .
28 Being a single chip it replaces the 12 VLSI chips used in Sparcstation 2 and the 79 it took to build the original Sun 490s .
29 He managed to spend the odd hour alone with Grace , who told him she had fallen for a Welsh corporal who had stood on a land-mine and ended up blind in one eye .
30 We chose to utilize the isolated DNA binding domain of the VZV 140k protein for these analyses due to the difficulties encountered in a previous attempt to detect sequence-specific DNA binding by the intact 140k polypeptide ( 39 ) .
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