Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To start with , Alison planned to wear a white evening dress .
2 At a meeting of its environmental committee yesterday , Dunfermline District Council agreed to issue a public health notice against Fife Regional Council .
3 In view of the commitment expressed by the US President , George Bush , to withdraw all US invasion forces from Panama by the end of February 1990 [ see p. 37177 ] , García agreed to attend the international drugs summit in Cartagena ( Colombia ) on Feb. 15 [ for which see pp. 37243-44 ] .
4 Then Wim went off and tagged IBM and when IBM and Hewlett agreed to support a common position Sun decided it could n't resist , especially with Novell Inc nudging it on .
5 Then Wim went off and tagged IBM and when IBM and HP agreed to support a common position Sun eventually found it could n't resist , especially with Novell nudging it on .
6 He also sought to promote the local iron industry , and to continue the development of Whitehaven as a planned town along lines laid down by his father in the 1680s .
7 The teaching methods in the full-time courses were centred upon projects which sought to provide a simulated work situation , to integrate what might otherwise appear to be disparate subject areas and to engender in the student independence and originality of thought .
8 There was little mirth among the film crew , least of all from Raymond Cusick whose job it suddenly became to pull a last minute rabbit out of the hat .
9 As then , he dealt with the motion as a three-part whole rather than as separate clauses and refused to incorporate an amendment ( carried 2:1 ) which sought to modify the proposed Committee revision in respect of the Captains , which many members considered was a continuation of the sort of privileges previously enjoyed by bondholders .
10 Nevertheless , and irrespective of the debate on the degree of influence of annual weather variations on long-term ozone trends , the fact that 101 areas in the country failed to meet the 0.12 ppm ozone standard in 1988 is extremely worrying .
11 Above all he sought to dismantle the traditional peasant commune .
12 When the need arose to find a new lord lieutenant for East Sussex in succession to the Queen 's horseracing chum , the Marquess of Abergavenny , the name which emerged from Downing Street was not that of another grand county family but Admiral Sir Lindsay Bryson , a retired naval engineering officer whose address , 74 , Dyke Road , Brighton , hardly hinted at rolling acres .
13 The PLO failed to secure a UN-supervised peace conference to which it would send a delegation to represent " the Palestinian people " [ see pp. 38167 ] .
14 An elderly couple who survived an arson attack on their flat say a council failed to repair a defective smoke alarm .
15 Mr Clarke said the armed forces would be withdrawn as soon as the unions agreed to provide a normal emergency service .
16 Portugal agreed to provide a revolving fund credit facility , which would guarantee the conversion into Portuguese escudos of up to US$10,000,000 of local currency remittances .
17 During ministerial-level talks the two sides agreed to establish a joint co-operation commission .
18 In another new initiative in 1974 , under Italian and Irish pressure , the EC agreed to establish a Regional Development Fund .
19 The summit also agreed to establish a regional stock exchange from January 1991 with the cross-listing of the community 's three current exchanges based in Jamaica , Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago .
20 The President and I agreed to establish a secure telephone link between our two offices .
21 On March 5-6 eight Arab members of the anti-Iraq coalition , meeting in Damascus , agreed to establish an Arab peace force as part of an ambitious regional security plan .
22 A total of 47 delegations from the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples ' Organization ( UNPO — see p. 38027 ) , meeting in The Hague on Aug. 6 , discussed the political crises in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union , and agreed to establish an Urgent Action Council to respond to requests from groups threatened by state violence .
23 He helped to reorganize the local golf course so that students could play legally and cheaply .
24 The shootings took place less than 24 hours after the IRA tried to kill a former UDR man in a Belfast nightspot .
25 The latest shootings took place less than 24 hours after the IRA tried to kill a former UDR man in a central Belfast nightspot .
26 IBM , Borland International , Gupta Technologies Inc , Novell Inc and WordPerfect Corp rallied to support a new database application programming interface , the Integrated Database API ( IDAPI ) .
27 In the UK , price increases for food , clothing and footwear , tobacco , alcohol and petrol helped to drive the retail price index 0.7 per cent higher in October , taking the retail price index ( January 1987=100 ) to 116.6 .
28 Richard Duriez and Annette Tibbles helped to plan a 5-month terror campaign by animal activists .
29 In Ethiopia she helped to found a Social Service Society and edited a monthly periodical , the Ethiopia Observer .
30 For example , some Health Authorities tried to obstruct the competitive tendering process for ancillary services .
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