Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although the differences between the two sides remained too great for there to be any substantial agreement upon the outlined proposals , the Prime Ministers agreed to proceed with the second round of scheduled discussions in Pyongyang ( North Korea ) on Oct. 16-19 .
2 But they also wanted a lift into town and we agreed to go to the Hard Rock Café in Honolulu together that night .
3 It was a dramatic and impractical outfit of a kind I only expected to see on the male models who posed in the more outlandish fashion magazines that our rich clients brought aboard Wavebreaker , yet Jesse Isambard Sweetman managed to wear the elaborate style with an elegant insouciance .
4 But that 's about all the world 's media , camped outside his house in Park Road in Abingdon , got to see of the retired bank manager .
5 A similar campaign finance bill ( including the honoraria ban and limitation on outside income ) was passed by the Senate in 1990 but was lost at the end of the congressional session when the two Houses failed to agree upon the final form of the legislation .
6 Old acquaintances would cut them dead when they chanced to meet in the Covered Market .
7 Having attended the first General Commissioners ' hearing on 10 April 1991 , the debtor and his accountant failed to appear at the adjourned hearing on 19 June 1991 .
8 They took the lead courtesy of Trevor Smith 's sixth goal of the season but were pegged back by an equaliser from Johnny Jameson who failed to appear for the second half .
9 Ledgered bread failed to catch for the first hour but a switch to three bronze maggot on a size 14 hook presented over the far side found chub to 2 lb 8 oz from peg one .
10 Because Miguel , in the same incident , has been bitten but not seriously injured , Sarah tries to save him by cutting off his infected arm with a machete — an effect that failed to work with the first model , until an assistant of Savini 's used a spare rubber arm with the cut prefilled with wax .
11 An objector , who had not given the notice required by the rule , was not allowed to oppose confirmation when he sought to appear before the confirming authority , and the licence was confirmed .
12 He agreed to write to the Peruvian Government .
13 The couple agreed to continue going out socially together , and the therapist agreed to write to the local housing department to back up their application for council accommodation .
14 So the GEC approach was blocked while BOC 's lawyers got to work on the proposed take-over .
15 Yesterday , a management committee , which included members of Cheshire County Council , agreed to work with the National Trust in preparing a protest .
16 Thus , for example , the student with difficulty revising , having drawn up his plan of action , agreed to work on the first item on his list and not to be side-tracked into attempting other items at the same time .
17 The moment that red ball began to flatten , she sat on a rock and strained to see along the flat road , along the plain leading to Siena , and sure enough she saw a black dot which grew larger and became a single horse and then she stood up and began to run towards it , waving and shouting .
18 At half-past five he leant closer to the window and strained to see into the flat opposite .
19 He tried to see through the net curtain but he could see nothing .
20 She twisted herself and tried to see through the buckled plate again .
21 The Triple Alliance , which I first tried to arrange after the Franco-Prussian War , and about which I had already approached Austria and Russia in 1870 , was an alliance of three Emperors , with the further idea of including the King of Italy .
22 The car 's hydraulics soughed as they tried to compensate for the sudden shift of the bubble but against that gale they were all but useless , and the bubble-canopy clanged on the car 's shell .
23 He had been beaten , threatened with knee-capping , burned on the neck with a cigarette and invited to jump from the open door of the speeding vehicle during the journey to the quarry at Furnace on Loch Fyne .
24 On Monday morning , she reported to work at the Swift building on Des Voeux Road .
25 Readers of the great Victorian novelists rejoiced to find in the final chapters how summarily justice was meted out to the villains ; some were perplexed that the Almighty often failed to knot up loose ends equally satisfactorily .
26 Who tried to hide during the 1984–85 miners ' strike by wearing a bag over his head ?
27 She pushed her inner chaos to the back of her mind and tried to concentrate on the coming day .
28 Councillor Mrs. B. Brereton promised to look into the appropriate portfolio .
29 Councillor Mrs. B. Brereton promised to look into the appropriate portfolio .
30 As in the Merchant Service , a close friendship usually developed between the Commanding Officer and the Chief Engineer , and on the cutters the Commander usually tried to sail with the same chief whenever possible .
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