Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] ' " in BNC.

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1 A baby was the last thing she expected to see in the servants ' quarters , especially as Rosa looked far beyond her child-bearing years .
2 I tried to go to the ladies ' room .
3 THIEVES tried to break into a pensioners ' community centre just hours before a tombola to replace a stolen karaoke machine and cash .
4 So that was how I came to sit at the Gorengs ' dining-table with Master Goreng and Longman 's standard conversational texts before us .
5 The first to come , and one of the most interesting from Pumfrey 's point of view , was Tom Tedder , who sprawled easily in his chair , seemed as little tensed up as it is possible to be when involved in a murder case , and told them all they needed to know about the teachers ' attitude to the school 's star pupil .
6 I decided to write to the Grocers ' Company about the matter .
7 There was still over an hour to go before his rendezvous with Rose and he decided to walk around the jewellers ' shops to find something he could afford .
8 Deane , anxious to end a wretched run that has brought him only one goal in 15 Premier League matches , failed to score in the reserves ' 1-0 win at Leicester .
9 A steady stream of steam-laden air gushed out from the kitchen and Carrie frequently ran the back of her hand across her hot forehead as she struggled to cope with the customers ' demands .
10 So even if it managed to escape from the scientists ' clutches in Britain , it could not turn into another exotic pest , like the mink in Britain or the rabbit in Australia .
11 Allan Ramsay 's engaging portrait of Sir Edward and Lady Turner ( lot 21 , unpublished est. £250,000–350,000 ) , fresh from exhibition at the National Portrait Galleries of Edinburgh and London and sent to auction by the sitters ' descendants , fetched the morning 's top price , as expected , when it sold for £500,000 , an auction record for his work , to an agent bidding at the back of the room on behalf of a private collector against keen competition from David Posnett of Leger , who was the purchaser of a conversation piece by Nathaniel Hone ( lot 26 , est. £40,000–60,000 ) for £36,000 .
12 Some of the sepoys were shot or cut down as they struggled to get over the possessions ' which stuck out jaggedly here and there ; a sowar pitched headless from his horse on to a silted-up velvet chaise longue ; a warrior from Oudh dived head first in a glittering shower through a case of tropical birds while a comrade at his elbow died spreadeagled on the mud-frozen wheels of the gorse bruiser .
13 Gould grew to depend on the Aborigines ' local knowledge to find birds that were new to the Western world and to learn about their habits .
14 The nominal subject of such quarrels is of course secondary to the couple 's need to hurt each other , but in this case it appeared to centre on the Parsons ' childlessness .
15 YOU only had to walk into the members ' lobby of the Commons yesterday to know what you 'd suspected for days .
16 And all of us had to assemble in the servants ' hall for lunch .
17 He says that first the farmers set fire to the road , then they had to get through the drivers ' blockade .
18 In this case , the doctor involved , Dr Robert Dinwiddie , refused to consent to the parents ' decision , and called in the hospital social workers .
19 The government refused to agree to the Indians ' demand that it abandon its militarized " security zone " on the Peruvian frontier , and pass a constitutional amendment recognizing the country as " multi-cultural and multi-national " .
20 Company spokesman Denis Reading refused to comment on the passengers ' reports of a foul smell .
21 Experimental studies on animals tended to lag behind the neurologists ' at this time and for many years to come .
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