Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun prp] and [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Gascon led Corbett and Ranulf through a maze of corridors which led out to the back of the palace , across a deserted dusty yard into one of the large outbuildings there .
2 Rob Madgwick dispossessed Wright and fired in a shot that was well saved by Stuart Burt .
3 Agatha ignored Fidelma and returned to the much more worrying matter of Timothy 's encounter with a chit called Topaz Chilcott .
4 ‘ He 's fine , ’ he told Mariana and crossed to the window , checking his watch .
5 ‘ I had n't seen him , ’ admitted Martin and turned to the foreman .
6 Jimmy pulled away again and joined Gilbert and Frye at the windows .
7 Still trying to keep an eye on Cardiff , Duvall joined Rohmer and looked into the corridor .
8 Gleizes and Le Fauconnier became friendly in 1909 after a meeting at the home of a young socialist writer named Alexandre Mercereau , where Gleizes also met Metzinger and Delaunay for the first time in the following year , although these meetings did not lead to immediate friendship , and Gleizes knew little about their work .
9 The fellow looked furtively round , licked his lips , and beckoned Corbett and Ranulf into a shadowy window recess .
10 ‘ Come in , English Clerk , ’ the Bishop beckoned Corbett and Ranulf to the bench before his table .
11 On which fine piece of mental self-deceit I thanked Morag and went to the telephone .
12 Farrell grabbed Kellerman and pointed at the window .
13 The temperature remained high so Spencer called Humberside and asked for a QDM ( bearing to effect a return ) .
14 When I last saw Mailer and talked about the impending book , the atmospherics had turned suddenly propitious .
15 Having no alternative , Fiver accompanied Hazel and Bigwig to the burrow where Hazel had spent the previous night .
16 Gallaudet , Principal of the College , recommended McCandless and Jaffray to the British authorities for the Albert Medal ( the highest civilian award in Britain and the British Empire at that time , since superseded by the George Cross ) .
17 ‘ Cheers , ’ said Hitch and snapped off the radio .
18 She felt she had Roirbak and Malamute in a corner : it was just that they had n't yet looked over their shoulders to see the walls closing in behind them .
19 No 71 MU , the RAF 's prime repair and recovery organisation , dismantled Queenie and left with the Lancaster for their base at Bicester on August 24 , 1970 .
20 In the spring we left Africa and sailed round the island of Madagascar into the Indian Ocean .
21 I 'll meet you there , ’ and he left Willie and headed towards the group of listeners with Sammy at his heels .
22 No-one was more closely involved in an emotional , controversial and fluctuating summer than the much-travelled Kepler Wessels , who thought his international career was over when he left Australia and returned to the country of his birth five years ago .
23 " That 's all right , " said Mike and tore along the corridor to his metal work class , his rubber soles squeaking on the linoleum .
24 It then crossed the Indian Ocean and rounded Australia and arrived at the small purpose-built port of Tokai northeast of Tokyo in early January .
25 As they rounded the bend towards Westminster , Ranulf nudged Corbett and pointed to the near bank .
26 Bailey nudged Clarke and pointed to the photograph of Catherine Deneuve on the front page of the paper .
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