Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] as [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No … ’ she whispered tremulously as he marched across the sand towards the dark lawns leading up to the cottage .
2 Candy 's blue eyes narrowed suspiciously as she prowled round Rory like a tiny bird of prey inspecting its dinner .
3 The baby moved his head , and she winced slightly as she looked at him .
4 Oh , Leo ! ’ she exclaimed helplessly as she looked at him , a plea for understanding in her lovely eyes .
5 Lucy refused to take offence , yet her chin rose slightly as she spoke with a smile .
6 Her curls bounced enchantingly as she clung to her father 's arm , dimpling at Auguste .
7 The Collector 's mind wandered again as he thought of the baptism of his own children how long ago it now seemed that the eldest had been baptized !
8 The shuttle trembled violently as it accelerated along the runway .
9 ‘ You know , of course , that Travis has gone to get plastered , ’ he charged aggressively as they started up the stairs .
10 Her face taut with anger , Gina 's fingers trembled uncontrollably as she fumbled with the unfamiliar fastening of the seatbelt .
11 ‘ Well , ’ Melissa murmured aloud as she listened to his footsteps pattering through the hall , followed by the slam of the outer door , ‘ there goes a man with a guilty secret .
12 The jump in share prices was comparable to yesterday 's but the euphoria quickly ebbed away as it dawned on investors that — in terms of the immediate prospects — not much had changed and what had changed was not entirely for the better .
13 ‘ But I have n't done anything — except be an absolute misery , ’ she added honestly as she realised for perhaps the first time what a wet blanket she had been .
14 The man 's gaze raked her clear complexion and pale gold hair , then his mouth twisted slightly as he drawled in a sardonic tone , ‘ What 's the matter , Cornflower ?
15 And in case you 're in any doubt , that was a compliment ! ’ she added tartly as she climbed from the bag and began to struggle into her now dry clothes .
16 But while you 're doing that , I 'm trying to get the wages made up for — ’ began Josh , then exploded irritably as someone knocked at the office door : ‘ What is it now ? ’
17 His false leg was a legacy of Dunkirk and he limped noticeably as he went to the drinks cupboard and poured a whisky .
18 Gavin 's eyes shone rapturously as he ran off stage and gripped Josh enthusiastically by the arms .
19 She kept her face turned away as she moved about the room , and looked stony .
20 She nodded curtly as he padded towards a door on the far wall .
21 Her hand shook slightly as she reached for a swab , and the child began to whimper as she gently began trying to clear the affected area in order to get a better look .
22 ‘ There 's nothing wrong with nursing , Constance , ’ Louise replied sharply as they walked into the butcher 's .
23 Omi sighed contentedly as she looked around the room which had a fair smattering of elderly ladies , like herself having a Sunday morning treat .
24 ‘ Absolutely , ’ Fernando replied tightly as he got to his feet .
25 Now the rattle and roar of the tube faded abruptly as it surfaced into bright sunlight .
26 The barn shook again as I got to my feet and made my way to the door with the feeling that the barn had been very lucky so far in not receiving a direct hit from one of the frequent mortar bombs that were exploding in and around the farm .
27 The wind sighed again as it swept through the ruined temple , and a little shudder went through Caroline .
28 ‘ Ja , ’ Gina acknowledged faintly as they emerged into the street .
29 But they could n't be that stupid , Vi reasoned derisively as she nodded to Sister Annunciata and called , ‘ Father says you 're to make the tea . ’
30 Carrie 's eyes opened reluctantly as he fumbled with her buttoned dress and she saw the small round damp spot on the ceiling .
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