Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [prep] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Parkinson hopped delightedly from foot to foot .
2 Not content to let surgeons perform unguided , she remains conscious to give instructions and read aloud from books of psychoanalysis .
3 Across the bumpy , threadbare putting-green , clots of people moved slowly from hole to hole , children eager and competitive , adults bored and tolerant .
4 We watched as Christopher 's expression changed slowly from shock to amazement to joy as he stroked the animal 's fur .
5 Pares published extensively in a series of monographs illuminating various aspects of his chosen field , the role of the West Indies in the development of the British Empire , and the determination of British international policy during the eighteenth century : his pioneering investigations ranged widely over questions of war and trade and international law .
6 He sat and thought somberly about Kegan , keeping his chin tucked into his neck and his eyes on the toes of his outstretched feet , as people clutching clipboards bustled about , and men wearing earphones and pulling the attached wires behind them moved importantly from place to place and shouted at the invisible listeners who spoke to them through the earphones .
7 Was it her own whispered , husky voice , unrecognisable , as her head moved feverishly from side to side in the growing , unbearable tension of desire ?
8 Colin Harbury moved elsewhere as Professor of Economics .
9 Young contributed largely to Annals of Agriculture .
10 Maiming oneself to avoid conscription in wartime , the example used above in relation to consent , would therefore be an offence contrary to s.18 , but not to s.20 .
11 They moved mysteriously from shelf to shelf .
12 As the flow of water changed rapidly from summer to winter the streams and rivers deposited their loads again , leaving thin sheets of gravel or sand in some places and fine mud in other places .
13 Yes , well , owing to the fact that we moved home from Street to Road in , which was roughly just under a mile from town , meant a change of school then .
14 Er , the other thing is of course colleagues that the doors at the side are , are open for very good reasons and I mentioned yesterday from time to time that once we get er we get talking there 's a that goes and colleagues at the side of Congress have a great deal of difficulty in hearing and listening to the debate .
15 Izzie sat at his head and Gabriel at his feet , while the sun moved gradually from shoulder to shoulder of the stained-glass saints in the window of the gallery , and cast a variety of colours across the scales of Lucie 's costume .
16 There followed a series of seven applications to the Divisional Court in England , coupled in some instances with applications for judicial review , each application being launched upon the failure of the last , and each pursued unsuccessfully by way of petition to the House of Lords for leave to appeal .
17 We have already seen that real wage costs rose roughly in line with productivity at over 3 per cent a year — an extremely rapid rate by historical standards .
18 Starched family groups posed self-consciously in front of parlour palms and porticoes .
19 Some way behind was a more random and idiosyncratic collection of responsibilities , again listed here in order of frequency :
20 Towards the end , as the stage show of The King And I moved triumphantly from city to city , Rock began to feel like the boy who could see the emperor had no clothes .
21 He reported fully to Davout at noon , and was therefore surprised to receive a further summons from the marshal in early evening .
22 Dad had a regular and earnest young crowd of head-bowers — students , psychologists , nurses , musicians — who adored him , some of whom rang and visited late at night in panic and fear , so dependent were they on his listening kindness .
23 This account of the virtues of conventionalism falls in neatly with the difference I described earlier between agreement by convention and agreement in conviction , and also with recent philosophical explanations of what a convention is .
24 Does my right hon. Friend agree that it would be a disaster to adopt a policy that changed almost from hour to hour under Labour , with no constancy or purpose of any sort ?
25 One feature of this shift was an emphasis on industrial democracy , which drew heavily on principles of codetermination .
26 Peter O'Dwyer , 23 , of Arthur Street , Darlington , was remanded in custody charged jointly with others of burglary at The Gatehouse , Ellerton-on-Swale , near Catterick , when electrical equipment and other goods worth £1,200 were stolen .
27 As this is the case , part of the research will examine various experimental techniques used previously in studies on word recognition .
28 One mother of six told me that she moved happily from motherhood to grandmotherhood with no time between for mourning the empty nest .
29 In the summer of 1911 the proposed unemployment insurance scheme passed easily through Parliament as Part 2 of the National Insurance Act .
30 Statistically less significant but no less painful conditions were old age , disability , widowhood , or desertion by the husband , which was sometimes permanent , sometimes temporary if , like so many working men of the period , he tramped away in search of work .
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