Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [be] [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 It concluded that in the light of the great events of the war , Party affairs had necessarily been forced into the background , and divided reactions into three groups .
2 Deferential coppers were a thing of the past ; they had all been conscripted into the House of Commons ' police .
3 However , the government claimed that no militias remained in Kabul , as they had all been absorbed into the regime 's regular army .
4 However , Lanovoi , a proponent of radical economic reform , claimed that he had only been brought into the Cabinet four months previously [ see p. 38828 ] " to create an impression that renovation was under way " .
5 Over the past few years , the quality of in-service training courses for teachers has improved greatly , but I was n't prepared for the effort [ and financial resources ] that had obviously been put into the ‘ Quality in Action ’ workshop .
6 Perhaps part of the answer lies in the fact that much of the new technology which had been developed before and during the war had already been incorporated into the capital stock .
7 He maintained that Latin America had already been drawn into the capitalist system in a dependent role , and that the activities of imperialism would ensure that it would retain this colonial status .
8 The moderate pluralism of bargains , balance , and compromise within rules of the game designed to ensure fair play and fair shares for all had somehow been transformed into the perverted and self-defeating hyperpluralism of strong groups and weak government operating on the basis of a free-for-all where might was right .
9 An old faded deck chair hung from a six inch nail which had probably been hammered into the shed wall twenty years before .
10 These veterans had originally been recruited into the Roman army as heavy cavalry after the Sarmatian wars fought by Marcus Aurelius in the middle Danube .
11 His innocent co-partner was liable as the money had originally been paid into the firm 's account ) .
12 We read that the apostles in Jerusalem sent Peter and John down to them and ‘ when they arrived , they prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit , because the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them ; they had simply been baptised into the name of the Lord Jesus .
13 A presidential decree of Jan. 24 established the Russian Federation Ministry of Security ( RFMS ) , on the basis of the Russian Federal Security Agency [ see pp. 38654 ; 38731 ] and the Inter-Republican Security Service , which had been the successor to the USSR KGB [ see p. 38654 ] and had then been incorporated into the Russian Ministry of Security and Internal Affairs , abolished in January as being unconstitutional [ see p. 38731 ] .
14 Looking upwards , she saw that no window had yet been built into the end wall at the top of the stairs , and this lack of light helped to emphasize the Stygian gloom in which she stood .
15 It was originally a farming settlement in Haryana but had recently been absorbed into the Delhi suburbs .
16 Judges from the 9th Circuit issued two further stays on April 21 , the last of which was granted after Harris had actually been strapped into the gas chamber .
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