Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The plenum , in the event , made little influence upon the continuing discussion , and by the early 1990s it was clear that only a reconsideration of the very bases of Soviet statehood would be likely to satisfy the aspirations of the various republics and nationalities .
2 Further anecdotes on the fame of Champagne wines in the fourteenth century are told by Max Sutaine in his Essai sur l'histoire des vins de la Champagne ( 1845 ) ; in particular he relates how , when the German king Wenceslas arrived in Reims in 1397 to discuss with Charles VI the division within the church over the popes of Avignon ( a subject Henry Vizetelly describes in A History of Champagne ( 1882 ) as ‘ very fit for a drunkard and a madman to put their heads together about ’ ) he became so intoxicated on the local wines that he signed all the documents before him , departing without knowing what he had signed .
3 On the negative side it should be recalled that many Belorussian nationalists were more pro-Western than specifically Belorussian in their emphasis , while many others became so identified with the Bolshevik Party that they shed earlier inclinations .
4 Thereafter he became better known as a forensic scientist achieving such professional distinctions as presidency of the Medico-Legal Society and of the Forensic Science Society ( of which Grant was a founder member and secretary ) .
5 His name and achievements became better known to the general public , however , in the sphere of lighter music : in operetta rather than in opera , and above all in the stage works of Franz Lehár , in which he charmed thousands by his sympathetic tenor quality and by the grace and variety of his vocal inflections .
6 The items they brought back were both exotic and expensive , and soon became highly prized by the European aristocracy and wealthier members of the rapidly expanding merchant class .
7 He became highly acclaimed amongst the Irish-American community for his so-called ‘ Morrison visas ’ .
8 The particular phoneme used generally depends on the surrounding sounds or the position of the sound in a word .
9 I stopped momentarily to look at the old ‘ cenotaph ’ or what remained of it .
10 The two men , who were completely sober despite their time in the bar , moved away to stand against the cracked plaster walls of the buildings to either side of the main road , glancing quickly around the corners to check for traffic .
11 As Bowen admitted , it had been ‘ like the Alamo ’ for Norwich and bastions was on the lips of every Millwall supporter as they headed home complaining of an iniquitous defeat , their moans contrasting the broadcasted cries of consummation .
12 Fire had been a constant hazard in woollen mills from their earliest days , as a result of the large amount of grease and oils used gradually soaking into the wooden floors .
13 He tried fitfully to proceed with a short prose book on the nature of culture which he had been contemplating for some time , but by the end of 1942 had produced only a first draft of two chapters : this must be the source of the four essays which appeared in the New English Weekly during January and February 1943 under the title , " Notes toward a Definition of Culture " .
14 It made me realise that other people have the same problems and it helped enormously to share with the other mums .
15 It should be noted that although the system described often refers to the particular data for on-line cursive script recognition , the techniques used are equally applicable to other forms of recognition .
16 Professor Andrew Greeley extended this by drawing attention to the special sensitivity of the sufferers , by which they are easily hurt , which he found often resulted from an unhappy childhood .
17 The graph-based analysis proposed here focuses on the dynamic aspects of this task .
18 THREE-quarters of the track including half the through lines , the semaphore signals , the last vestiges of freight facilities and the last of the men who used proudly to work for the old railway company have gone , yet the long-distance service is faster , more frequent and above all better used than at any time in railway history , and the number of passengers passing through probably at an all time high .
19 Describing the DC as " a rotten apple with a healthy core " , he proposed chiefly to build on the existing cross-party support for his proposals to reform electoral law by referendum .
20 He had offered the car to Hubert for the summer on condition that everyone promised never to stand on the running boards , because they were threatening to fall off .
21 well it got just eased of a little bit and I thought oh well I 'd make it , so I hopped up to get me erm pension erm and I just got down here when it started again and I came around the front from there and I came around the front I was soaking
22 On arms control , China agreed conditionally to accede to the 18-country Missile Technology Control Regime , which would limit its arms sales to Pakistan and Syria , in return for the lifting of US sanctions , imposed in June , on exports from two Chinese arms companies , high-technology computer sales and joint satellite launches .
23 On Monday the figure rose once more when Frenchman Michel Bou passed away surrounded by the hi-tech machinery of Glasgow Southern General hospital 's neurological unit .
24 The FMS was active in the protest movement which brought down the Lemus regime ( 1956–60 ) but , in common with many other groups , it became progressively disillusioned by the perpetual electoral frauds .
25 Paisley accused Craig of proposing UDI and seemed most committed to the complete integration of Ulster with the mainland if the old majority-rule Stormont could not be reintroduced .
26 In Russia he 'd mostly listened to the progressive rock records that cool Russian youth adored .
27 ‘ Natty suddenly called out , ‘ Look massa ’ ; in an instant the air before us seemed literally filled with a dense mass of these birds , which had suddenly rose from under the trees at his exclamation ; we had scarcely time to raise our guns before they were seventy or eighty yards off ; our united discharge , however , brought down eight additional specimens , all of which being merely winged and fluttering about , attracted the attention of our kangaroo dogs , and it was with the greatest difficulty that they could be prevented from tearing them to pieces ; in the midst of the scramble , a kite , with the utmost audacity , came to the attack , and would doubtless , in spite of our presence , have carried off his share , had not the contents of my second barrel stopped his career .
28 While Lee 's claims on Dickerson are evidently still large , perhaps he 'd better look for a new cinematographer now that his old pal has a director 's credit .
29 . I 'd better look under the big light .
30 We 'd better get on the objective double quick then , before he gets back .
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