Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [verb] [adv prt] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 So at the end of their dancing career many tried desperately to hang on to the fringes of the theatre world as did matron Daisy Woodworth .
2 Against the implacable opposition of its lord , Aylesbury failed utterly to hold on to the corporate status granted it in 1554 .
3 If you want to know any more about what he 's doing you 'd better go up to the camp and ask him yourself . ’
4 ‘ We 'd better go through to the sports field , ’ said Robert .
5 ‘ We 'd better go on to the farm and buy … ’
6 We 'd better go back to the burrow .
7 ‘ I suppose we 'd better go back to the car , ’ he said in a carefully neutral tone .
8 ‘ We 'd better go back to the car , ’ he announced , and , without more ado placed a hand beneath her elbow and guided her back to his car .
9 If you ca n't control your temper you 'd better go down to the canteen and help yourself to a drink .
10 ‘ We 'd better go down to the stream and hide in the bushes , ’ said Geoffrey .
11 Er then he made the I 'd better cut back to the business card because you jumped into the statement of purpose erm you assum er there was an assumed er was okay erm I put superb and I ca n't remember what that actually was there .
12 ‘ I think we 'd better head back to a city , you know .
13 You 'd better hustle back to the stand , pronto !
14 You 'd better come back to the farmhouse too , Seb .
15 There was no one about in the woods , so she 'd better hurry back to the town as fast as she could .
16 One Sunday at the Trocadero the chief circle usher said to me , ‘ I think you 'd better come up to the back circle , Gents , we 've got a bloke behaving obscenely . ’
17 They asked me a few questions and they said , ‘ You 'd better come along to the police station . ’
18 Erm we 'd better get on to a few other things .
19 A discussion in our house on ( let's say ) the necessity of buying a new fridge will move swiftly to the education system ( via the rival claim of school fees to the purchase of the fridge ) and whether a move to another area might obviate the need for paying them , taking in a quick discourse on the immorality of contributing to the divisive education system in this country anyway ; this will lead to the if-we-sold-our-suburban-villa-we-could-buy-a-Georgian-manor-house-in-the-country conversation ; which will in its turn move on quite quickly to the horrors of British Rail and the greatly increased subjection to them that such a move would entail ; then we get to leaving all our friends behind , and to debating whether having them to stay at the weekends would not be perfectly satisfactory ; which will remind us that two or more of them are coming to dinner that very night and we 'd better get down to the off-licence ; then it 's shall-we-get-Muscadet-or-the-Chardonnay- again and for-heaven's-sake-get-enough which will get us back to the fridge , on account of last time we got the Chardonnay , I did n't put it in it soon enough .
20 We said , ‘ We 'd better get back to the hotel and try to figure out this country in the morning . ’
21 ‘ Well , I 'd better get back to the hotel and pack . ’
22 ‘ As I said , I 'd better get back to the hotel .
23 ‘ We 'd better get back to the Doctor . ’
24 ‘ We 'd better get back to the Operations Room . ’
25 ‘ I 'm not sure what time he 'll be through with his meeting , but perhaps I 'd better get back to the hotel and show willing just in case he 's there . ’
26 ‘ You … you 'd better get back to the restaurant …
27 In spite of this , it was half an hour before she came downstairs dressed up to the nines in a pin-striped trouser-suit , her hair caught up in a turban of white silk .
28 stayed and Andy 's and we 'd just gone over to the shops and .
29 They had been on stand-by since 10.00 a.m. and it was now after one o'clock , but they were as crisp and well-tailored as if they 'd just stepped on to the plane .
30 And so , after they 'd just slipped off to the local registery office in the city , they had left for a brief honeymoon in Paris .
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