Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [verb] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What motivated them , whom did they represent , were they altruistic democrats or ambitious élitists ? for Soviet historians the revolutionaries of Alexander 's reign were the authentic , if Utopian , spokesmen of the peasantry , and their Bolshevik heirs became effectively fused with the proletariat .
2 Indeed , as has already been highlighted in the previous discussion of cultural politics , the opposition between progressive and reactionary forces became so marked with the rise of fascism that it was less a question of reactionary versus progressive culture , than a struggle for the very existence of culture itself .
3 The clash between Balcon 's nationalism and the Ostrers ' requirement that he pursue international popularity led to the signs of strain that are evident in much of the Gaumont-British output , and it is easy to understand why Balcon became so disillusioned with the idea of international production .
4 The second placed designs by Atlas Architects of Amsterdam consisted of a simple sandstone needle designed deliberately to contrast with the glass bulk of the St Enoch Centre .
5 The BMC immediately leapt on the white chargers they keep permanently tied up outside Crawford House in Manchester and thundered southward to deal with the problem once it arose .
6 ‘ So I 'd better deal with the problem immediately ? ’
7 They 'd chatted at length about the progression of the public relations arrangements , about the meeting she 'd just had with the video expert , and Salvo had appeared impressed at the amount of hours she was putting in .
8 The seven year old spoke for the first time and darted away to return with the roll of foil .
9 He was always friendly enough , but seemed fully occupied with the bevy of young beach-boys who seemed to swarm around him .
10 The wedding party still seemed happily merged with the convention , and , without having any choice in the matter , Ellie was absorbed into the friendly crowd .
11 Emma Johnson , Sir Charles Groves , and the ASV team seemed eminently satisfied with the results , and afterwards the soloist went on to speak of her growing involvement with contemporary music , notably the new concerto written for her by Michael Berkeley .
12 Länder elections had earlier suggested an even better CDU vote , but after October 1976 the party became more divided with the CSU branch in Bavaria , under Franz Josef Strauss , taking a more independent line .
13 This recovery has been made necessary because , as we have seen , the rhetorical and historical use of anthropology got so disastrously mixed up in the work of the founders and produced a false picture of the idyllic classless community which was later termed primitive communism and then got further confused with the type of society the Marxists were trying to construct in the future .
14 A radical wing broke away to merge with the leftist Workers ' Party .
15 On receiving the Twenty-one Conditions for entry the ILP decided instead to link with the Vienna or " Two-and-a-Half " International which included various Left Socialist groups in Europe .
16 Charlie started quietly to sing with the tape , and his sister joined him , both stretching for the top notes .
17 From 1977 onwards , when Archbishop Romero took office , the church became increasingly identified with the opposition to General Romero 's regime ( no relation ) and subsequently the military juntas and the Christian Democrat Party .
18 He went further to deal with the question as to whether or not the liquidators had public interest immunity in case the issue should become relevant later .
19 He went quickly to sleep with the lights still all on , his body hot and rigid , curled up into a tight ball , and his eyes screwed up tight .
20 The stories grew more inflamed with the telling and witnesses were about equally divided as to whether Beatrice encouraged Modi to debauchery or he provoked her .
21 More splendid than her antique fan of ombré ostrich plumes or her green-black coq feather boa , more splendid even than the towering aigrette á la Pougy which she wore sometimes to go with the diamond .
22 After gluing , the curved members were cut to shape on the band saw then finished with the spokeshave .
23 I did actually toy with the idea of calling myself Coma Toes or something for my last album .
24 Osiris thus became closely linked with the kingship and Busiris was established as one of his major cult centres .
25 That had all changed with the arrival in her life of Adam Burns .
26 It is a great misfortune for my book to come out with it ( though I am glad it was written before it ) : if it had only appeared with The Present and the Past .
27 Christina wanted to remind him that he had only helped with the backing and that the real work had been done by Stephen and her , but she kept quiet and instead watched Jean Reece-Carlton as she turned away from a gloating Robert in disgust , muttering something under her breath .
28 I do n't know if this was true , but she told me she had only slept with the man once .
29 It had better begin with the word sport .
30 Occasionally they gave a perfunctory look up and down the carriage , but they had obviously wilted with the tedium of the journey and the foul air .
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