Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [verb] [art] first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I suppose they must be , thought Lydia , shrugging , and wondering also whether the modern tendency , which was American in origin , to tell everybody everything before they 'd even got the first olive off the cocktail stick had percolated as far as here .
2 The might of Gloucester beaten by bottom of the table , West Hartlepool , who 'd never won a first division game before .
3 This awful and we 'd actually got the first window here which is which is .
4 His total of 275 was 13 under par , four outside the record , and he also failed narrowly to become the first man to score in the 60s in every round .
5 He died within a year of taking up his new office , but by then he had successfully completed the first stage of the reduction of Wales which , according to his will , he expected to complete within his three-year term of office .
6 However , the majority of these had only finished the first level of secondary education — the fifth and sixth years following four years of primary school .
7 When the result was officially declared at a general committee meeting of the Birkenhead party last night , Mr Field had already won the first round of the ballot in the individual members section with 159 votes against his two challengers , Mr Paul Davies , a local Transport and General Workers ' union official , who secured 75 votes and Militant supporter , Ms Kathy Wilson , with 48 votes .
8 If , when you left the machine , you had already knitted the first row of the cycle , when you return you 'll knit two more of the same row , making a total of three .
9 Thereafter , Franco began to make a rhetorical distinction between the war against the United Kingdom and the United States , in which Spain took no part , and the war against the Soviet Union , which , in Franco 's view , was a new crusade against communism , of which Nationalist Spain had already fought the first battle during her Civil War .
10 Her last comment had sounded flippant , a little bitter , as if she begrudged the fact that he could afford all this , when in reality she had just said the first thing that had come into her head because he was close and because she had felt his love of the land and in doing so had glimpsed a part of him that was unknown , disturbing to her .
11 He had just turned the first furrow when a tiger walked up and said : " Peace be with you , friend .
12 She had just stuck the first stamp on the envelope when a friendly voice behind her said : ‘ Can you manage all right , missy , or do you want a lift up ? ’
13 Imminence : of course he saw it before the impulse had even taken the first step on its journey from her mind to her body .
14 Lord Francis had earlier made the first ascent of the Wellenkuppe , but dismissed the ridge linking to the Ober Gabelhorn as impracticable , a view held until the traverse was made in 1890 by L. Norman Neruda , a Swede , and guide Christian Klucker .
15 He was suffering from exhaustion and cold after helping co-climber Harry Taylor , who had earlier become the first Briton to reach the summit from the Nepalese side without oxygen equipment .
16 The Block , built by J.J. Oakes & Son , was duly opened on Speech Day , 17th July 1957 , appropriately by Professor Williams , who had recently become the first recipient of the Benjamin Franklin Medal of the Royal Society of Arts , " to individuals who have attained early distinction , with promise of future achievements , in the promotion of arts , manufacture , and commerce " .
17 OLDHAM Athletic , who had never beaten a First Division side since they dropped into the Second Division in 1923 , made up for 66 years of not altogether patient waiting with a pulsating victory over the League champions Arsenal at Boundary Park last night .
18 The big guns , with the horses and crews , had safely negotiated the first quarter of the kilometre 's distance across the icy marsh .
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