Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] of the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some 36 years later I was invited to become Patron of Vliegclub Grimbergen , which honour I took very seriously and when my Belgian friends told me of the threatened closure of this , one of the busiest of Belgium 's general aviation airfields , I could see no obvious reason for closure , other than what only seemed to me to be political bias .
2 Ranu , a Sylheti woman in her late twenties , told me of the enveloping love and care a woman with her first or second child can receive in Bangladesh .
3 Duncan had asked , when Myeloski told him of the strange situation in which they had found Leeming .
4 I told her of the dead snake that you and she had found once , and which had been your special secret .
5 Telling the story , as she imagined it of the mad wife .
6 Hilary assured us of the continuing interest in Medau in Britain shown by the Medau Schule in Germany and teachers will be very pleased to learn that a new movement block in Coburg is to be named after Molly .
7 Most of the unexpected visitors were passing girl-friends of Roger 's , so I was surprised when he informed me of the pending arrival of a very special girl-friend .
8 He looked down at Thornton and informed him of the new management attitude .
9 In 1935 Louis Aragon proudly proclaimed to the world that his encounter with communism and the revolutionary society of the Soviet Union had transformed him into an entirely new man , had rejuvenated him , re-educated him , and in the process cured him of the social disease of his bourgeois class origins .
10 Then , on April 8th , while on patrol the ‘ Lieutenant Mathematician ’ captured two German deserters , who conveniently warned them of the coming attack .
11 It was me who warned you of the Fascist element infiltrating at Danino 's .
12 Just on half-time , a long ball from Milne put him through within excellent shooting distance of Thomson , but McCart 's late intervention robbed him of the golden chance to break the deadlock .
13 King Don Ferdinand was going through Leon , putting the Kingdom in order , when tidings reached him of the good speed which Rodrigo had had against the Moors .
14 She admitted it tempestuously as Luke deprived her of the erotic stimulation of his mouth , opening her eyes just in time to see the blaze of triumph in his as he heard her .
15 After a three-hour retirement , the jury acquitted the appellant of the offence charged under section 18 , but convicted him of the lesser offence under section 20 .
16 ‘ Its note is a loud ringing and very peculiar sound , somewhat resembling the worlds Clink , clink , several times repeated , and strongly reminded me of the distant sound of the stroke on a blacksmith 's anvil , and hence the term ‘ arguta ’ appeared to me to be an appropriate specific appellation for this new species . ’
17 My companion put it to me that an initiative must now be taken , and reminded me of the unrecorded conversation at the time of my appointment .
18 Recording this news reminded me of the valuable role played by Area Presidents in guiding their Area and representing the Areas at a variety of events and functions .
19 I had a mental picture of the conductor on the red London bus talking to Hammouda the village postman , of the English boy 's friends playing with Khadija 's grandson , especially Margaret , whose hair reminded me of the coloured feather duster Khadija 's grandson had pleaded for everytime he saw it in the market , thinking that it was a toy or a bird .
20 They reminded her of the cardboard kaleidoscope she had as a child , packed with coloured fragments , which she looked into for hours , turning and watching , turning and watching .
21 Moloch reminded her of the Vartaq Veil .
22 He reminded her of the ancient tradition of Christianity in that part of Ireland , one that dated back to the first century after the crucifixion , before Rome was supreme .
23 He reminded her of the mad professor in her comics .
24 She kept clear of everybody in the house in case they reminded her of the ill person her uncle had become .
25 It immediately reminded her of the unforgettable night at Ali 's Alley when she had met Sanborn , her jazz idol , who had then discreetly found out from her friends which of his songs was her favourite and made an impromptu appearance on stage to play it especially for her .
26 It reminded her of the disastrous pole-vault on the school sports-day , when Enid had cast a spell on Mildred 's pole to help her , but had inadvertently overdone the magic and Mildred had sailed through Miss Hardbroom 's study window .
27 They reminded him of the ignominious episode of the oath-taking , and pointed out that Rodrigo now had a personal ‘ army ’ almost as large as the King 's .
28 Despite the much vaunted heating and ventilating system of the new police headquarters the windows of Wycliffe 's office were almost obscured by condensation and the air had a clammy warmth which reminded him of the tropical house at Kew .
29 A working ormolu and bronze lion mantel clock — Louis Quinze , he could almost hear his wife Carole exclaiming — reminded him of the relentless passage of time .
30 The whole interview reminded him of the English card game in which you not only had to guess what cards your opponent held , but decide what he thought yours were , and so on .
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