Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] out [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At last Cranston finished his further refreshment and , with Benedicta so close beside him his heart kept skipping for joy , Athelstan led them out into the great cleared area of Smithfield .
2 And then he led them out of the small room .
3 Snorting at the friar 's apparent stupidity , Cranston turned his horse and led them out of the main alleyways of Southwark .
4 We never got them out in the first place .
5 I was sure that his status as head of the herd helped me out in an unpleasant encounter .
6 Korda let him out on a three-picture deal with Fox , continued to pay him $15,000 a year but would take a large slice of what Fox paid him : from the three pictures Richard would earn about £80,000 .
7 But he was smiling as they helped him out of the herbaceous border .
8 Less than two hours later , a city-centre taxi let her out under the lighted awning of the hotel by the park .
9 I tried it out on a modest 386SX and it still felt fast on a big test database .
10 Thunder woke her out of a fitful sleep .
11 One punter refers to a typically fateful day : 1 August 1988 - " … the day I returned from a holiday abroad , Harvard telephoned me out of the blue ( 8th April 1986 ) , and a chap who sounded like an enthusiastic young cockney told me how wonderful Towerbell was and that it was going places with top stars in tow ! "
12 Jenkins picked up another four and handed them out to the other customers sitting at the counter .
13 When he was no more than knee high and as slender as a pencil , I dug him out of the wild river bank and planted him in a virginal garden , half an acre of island that consisted of nothing more luxurious or exotic than brick rubble , tilled chalk and grass seed .
14 We have some friends whose 21-year-old daughter was murdered by a boyfriend who threw her out of a third-storey window .
15 The whole household walked them out to the big Ford at the end of the lane .
16 Knocked them out in the tenth round .
17 Endill followed him out into the biggest corridor he had ever seen .
18 Michael Harvey followed him out to the hired car .
19 We trotted down the long flights of stairs and I followed her out through the front door .
20 She took the key from a hook by the kitchen door and they followed her out into a paved courtyard that was partly glazed over ; there were lounging chairs , potted plants and climbers , and a sizeable lily-pond with a fountain .
21 He padded them out with a torn sheet from sick bay to stop them making any noise .
22 Old Trafford boss Alex Ferguson talked him out of an immediate announcement , but Graham Taylor 's decision not to retain Robson for next week 's decisive game in Poland made any further delay pointless .
23 Right-wing newspapers singled her out for every conceivable hostility , particularly the circumstances of her divorce from her first husband .
24 It 's a well-founded faith he has developed since Michelin this year singled him out as the only French chef worthy of upgrading to the coveted three-star accolade .
25 Whatever Gould 's personal opinion of Gilbert , or whatever his error , his qualifications as a naturalist were undisputed , and singled him out as the ideal candidate for sharing Gould 's exploration .
26 Before the startled merchant could think of a reply , Cranston had taken Athelstan by the elbow and steered him out into the sun-baked street .
27 He 'd taken one look at her ashen face , and steered her out of the swirling throngs of people without needing to be asked .
28 That pattern stuck in my head and gradually crystallized it out into a definite form , while the scenario was being prepared for me .
29 The State winched him out of the professorial chair when the ecclesiastical authority was lukewarm .
30 ‘ The only time I can remember him with any coat at all was when we wintered him out as a three or four-year old , which we did deliberately to toughen him up . ’
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