Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Our Georgia guests used the small flat-bottomed craft to go bonefishing one afternoon , and Thessy , well trained by his father , led them unerringly to a sea-flat by a mangrove swamp where , in just a few heart-racing moments , they landed four of the gleaming and elusive fish .
2 Having steadily reduced the preparation from organism to circuit , the stage was set for the final reduction ; Kandel 's colleague Samuel Schacher dissected out the specific sensory and motor neurons and incubated them together in a dish ( a procedure known as tissue culture ) .
3 I thought the dead whiteness of the dress made me more of a corpse than a bride but had n't enough energy to infuriate my mother by telling her so .
4 Evening : invited me home to a buffet meal with a group of friends and colleagues , including , ( Linguistics CIEFL ) , ( Linguistics CIEFL ) , ( Correspondence Course , CIEFL ) , ( Materials Production , CIEFL ) .
5 The relationship between staff and students of University College , apart from the pastoral care of the few Anglican students and staff , involved me increasingly in a study of the history and culture of Burma .
6 Finally they helped me upstairs to a bedroom , and I sank gratefully into a warm , dry bed .
7 She invited him home for a coffee and he set about trying to find out what was wrong with her washing machine .
8 But long before her death my grandmother was a ghost to me , as if she was never really there , even though I visited her regularly as a child .
9 This bizarre characteristic did not disappear with the end of the war , for when I visited her home during a sugar shortage in the 1970s , I saw the dining-room mantelpiece piled high with two-pound bags — enough , surely , to satisfy the most desperate sweet-tooth for months , or even years , to come .
10 Mercer drew him away to a comer , and slowly , haltingly , the general good humour resurfaced .
11 Someone close to Mr Mandela described him yesterday as a chess player five moves ahead of anyone else in the game .
12 ‘ I found him sometimes in a sort of energized depression ’ , said Shaffer .
13 But Kathleen Mary Butterfield lured him away with a bounce of her fat orange curls , and I found them roly-polying down the hill together behind the shrubbery .
14 She regarded him steadily for a minute with eyes still bloodshot from crying .
15 Donna regarded him blankly for a moment , then nodded .
16 Scott regarded him impassively for a moment .
17 She regarded him thoughtfully for a moment or two .
18 Ouch , I thought , that really hurt , and I clenched it tight for a moment to stop the pain , before looking to see the damage .
19 He pointed the torch beam at the forest floor , which was littered with pieces of fallen bark , dried leaves and twigs , then moved it slowly towards a hole at the base of a tree trunk .
20 He stared at the paper for a moment then crumpled it angrily into a ball and tossed it into a corner .
21 However , even Cockfield regarded it only as a courtesy title .
22 Robinson regarded it cautiously for a moment , then shook it , feeling the power in the other man 's grip .
23 Another time , the dwarf picked me up and dropped me quickly into a bowl of milk on the table .
24 I delighted them once with a return invitation to dine at The Pightle .
25 Think back to all the stories that affected you strongly as a child .
26 ‘ Oh — do n't tell me , I do n't want to know , ’ Emmie cried passionately , flinging herself down on top of William who suffered her patiently for a moment and then got up , shook himself and moved away .
27 He studied her intently for a moment , then bowed his head slightly .
28 He studied her impassively for a moment .
29 A row erupted and when they reached Craylands he threw her to the ground and blasted her twice with a shotgun .
30 In spite of this , and the fact that it was so large , he recognised it immediately as a coelacanth .
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