Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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61 The guys at New Deal filled us in with the latest on Harrow skatepark .
62 ‘ Psst — Jack , ’ I hissed as he joined me damply in the breeze-filled tent .
63 One punter refers to a typically fateful day : 1 August 1988 - " … the day I returned from a holiday abroad , Harvard telephoned me out of the blue ( 8th April 1986 ) , and a chap who sounded like an enthusiastic young cockney told me how wonderful Towerbell was and that it was going places with top stars in tow ! "
64 But as she washed her breakfast cup and saucer and rinsed them meticulously under the cold tap , she was anxious .
65 He then slowly pulled out some bank notes and furtively handed them over to the large man , who patted him on the back and quickly got off at the next station .
66 Jenkins picked up another four and handed them out to the other customers sitting at the counter .
67 He pulled off his work jeans and threw them on to the little pile in the corner .
68 unwrap it as I showed you before with the first aid kit ,
69 When he was no more than knee high and as slender as a pencil , I dug him out of the wild river bank and planted him in a virginal garden , half an acre of island that consisted of nothing more luxurious or exotic than brick rubble , tilled chalk and grass seed .
70 Then one of them held her , threw her on to the dry dirt road and started to undo his belt .
71 This shocked her suddenly , shook her back into the real world and changed the entire course of the interview .
72 We tied his arms behind his back and handed him over to the next village headman we encountered .
73 Spotting the two journalists huddled together in conspiratorial conversation a few yards away , he hauled her off in the opposite direction .
74 With her mind muzzy from sleep and cold , instinct alone turned her away from the Welsh Back .
75 Impulses of attraction towards beautiful forms or faces troubled him frequently for the next two years at Oxford .
76 He caught a glimpse of the fair hair and saw that she was talking to someone he recognised as the drummer from the band ; the whole group was there , giving an impromptu concert on tin whistles to the tired hikers sleeping on their rucksacks undaunted by the howl and shriek of the space-invader machines on the other side , a cacophony of mechanical rage that deafened him together with the thin notes of a rebel song .
77 And there were some flats were n't there with the with Tommy on the w er Philip , that 's right , Tommy on one day and he , that pub , he picked a bloke up and threw him straight through the bloody pub window .
78 A tube burst and the blow back threw him back against the tender end .
79 Phil was so anxious to get to sea that I was finishing typing my report as we entered the lock , and handed it up to the local officer as the seaward lock gate opened .
80 When the great man was exiled to Elba the diamond was returned to his father-in-law , Francis I of Austria , who duly handed it back to the French authorities .
81 Like other elements of the left-wing movement , however , activists in this sphere were subjected to extensive government oppression , which prevented almost all activity until 1918 and hampered it severely from the late 1920s .
82 But Bosnich almost threw it away in the 38th minute when he fumbled a Jeremy Goss shot and was grateful to see Earl Barrett scramble the ball past the foot of his own post .
83 Libby would not watch ; she hated the high-pitched squealing as the rabbits panicked , hearing a stick thump or a shot ring out , seeing the warm fur parting in the breeze as someone threw it down beside the other corpses .
84 He collected and threw it back to the pursuing fielder with an easy gesture-then suddenly clutched at his left side .
85 Mr Edgar tried to get hold of the key , but she threw it quickly into the hottest part of the fire .
86 Shutt got the ball about 15 yards out and hammered it low into the right corner ( Nice goal Carl ) .
87 She immediately opened it again from the other side .
88 He opened it up at the last minute , came flying over and it was a terrific shot .
89 tuned it in to the four channels and I said what about video
90 The whole household walked them out to the big Ford at the end of the lane .
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