Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [adv] into the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Then he led them down into the bloody cloud again .
2 At last Cranston finished his further refreshment and , with Benedicta so close beside him his heart kept skipping for joy , Athelstan led them out into the great cleared area of Smithfield .
3 Britain 's rescue drew it deeper into the American orbit , though with the introduction of Marshall Aid to promote the economic recovery of Europe by means of financing balance of payments deficits , this was to a degree common to western European countries [ Milward , 1984 ] .
4 Before he could do anything more another wave lifted him high into the foam-filled wind , then dizzyingly dropped him down into a hole in the ocean .
5 This shocked her suddenly , shook her back into the real world and changed the entire course of the interview .
6 Shutt got the ball about 15 yards out and hammered it low into the right corner ( Nice goal Carl ) .
7 I pressed the door shut , and pressed him back into the lighted room at the rear of the store .
8 In 1090 the lord of Montpellier exploited it even more successfully when he rose against his lord , the bishop of Maguelonne ; worried by William 's defection , the bishop bribed him back into the episcopal mouvance by extending his fief .
9 She followed him back into the little harness store and sat down on a bench while he lit the paraffin stove which soon filled the room with its smell and heat .
10 But now the Magpies are on the march again , nine years after Keegan guided them back into the top flight before sensationally swapping fog on the Tyne for the sunshine of Spain .
11 Then Melinda kindly guided me outside into the harsh sunlight of the street .
12 His mouth twisted into a devastating smile , and he pulled her outside into the warm evening sunshine .
13 A tallish hummock loomed , and he pulled her down into the wet grass behind it .
14 I 'm saying that someone , having knocked Mr Hambro cold , dragged him across the path to the water , and shoved him firmly into the soft mud with his face under water , to die . ’
15 Before the startled merchant could think of a reply , Cranston had taken Athelstan by the elbow and steered him out into the sun-baked street .
16 He led her out into the huge marble-floored foyer .
17 A burly serjeant-of-arms stopped them , asked their business , and grudgingly let them through into the main courtyard where they were halted by a steward who took them up into the main hall .
18 Needing an outlet for her gathering frustration , she collected the bulbs she had bought in Norwich earlier in the week and took them out into the little garden .
19 There was a way down , on iron rungs , from the Reading Room , and a way out , through a high locked portal , which brought you up into the sunless Egyptian necropolis , amongst blind staring pharaohs , crouching scribes , minor sphinxes and empty mummy-cases .
20 When one of the dragomen did not perform to perfection , John Mason tossed him overboard into the brown waters of the Nile and took the helm himself .
21 They saw her off into the splashed black and rainy yellow night .
22 He then spent three days at Fort King being questioned by people from the DIA , the FBI , the CIA and the DEA , and after that a bunch of US Marshals took him away into the Federal Witness Protection program .
23 Thérèse flew at the washing-up while Léonie clattered coffee and tisane on to the silver tray and took it through into the white salon .
24 Our instructor took us off into the unknown for the next few hours , where we experienced ice , spring snow , powder and crud .
25 They took us back into the main passageway , past the hall and into a small chamber where Gavin Douglas , Earl of Angus , whom I had glimpsed during the banquet , now lounged in a chair .
26 She made it down into the long drawing-room with a sort of grim look on her face that Alain noted with a frown .
27 She was trembling as she bent down and inserted it carefully into the left-hand drawer of the desk .
28 Her partner lit the candle , and inserted it deep into the Arab girl 's vagina .
29 She slipped them rapidly into the hot mouth where they were instantly consumed in a shower of Sparks .
30 She nursed him back into the winning story .
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