Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Later in the evening when the place had quietened a little and the cyclists had eaten , I invited them to join me for a glass of wine .
2 He used to listen to American Football on the American Forces Network and was so enthused with it that he wrote to the American Embassy , who invited him to visit them for the day .
3 I found him cursing her for the border .
4 The assistant changed the battery and told me to monitor it for a week for any problems .
5 Several fellow players asked her to take them for a ride as pillion passengers but that treat seemed to be reserved for members of her regular entourage , though I suppose it could be argued she took Steffi Graf for a ride in the semi-finals .
6 Namely he has expressed his wish to King Leopold of the Belgians and requested him to press us for a withdrawal .
7 She wrote that she was dying of a fever , and asked him to visit her for the first and last time .
8 Tom Poole suggested it as a last resort , and Coleridge , who remembered the cottage , immediately asked him to take it for a year .
9 And then she quite confounded me by doing exactly what I advised , and I always thought she took me for a crank whose horse sense , if any , was a forced calm not to be heeded .
10 ‘ Then why did you ask me for a book on Reptiles ? ’
11 What did you ask me for a fag for , then ? ’
12 Did you ask him for a drink ? ’
13 Did they take you for a week and show you
14 Did they charge you for the ?
15 Only when it became totally apparent that she would never reform and was bent on self-destruction for both of them did he leave her for the younger and more stable Lauren Bacall .
16 Did he take her for a fool ?
17 As we left I thanked her for the ‘ nice tea ’ and off we went .
18 I said I wanted it for an amateur production of James Saunders A Scent of Flowers — a play I knew well and which required a coffin to be positioned downstage during the entire action .
19 his school sports and said I did it for the sake of the children !
20 They sued the well-known actress Constance Collier for the £16 9s 3d which they said she owed them for the flowers which her maid had ordered by telephone to be delivered to the Savoy Theatre .
21 We had many chats and on several occasions I had him join me for a sandwich and coffee at the Georgia Grill .
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