Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The first morning we met you asked me to show you the way to the matriculation class , putting a very strong stress on the first syllable .
2 I got them to give me the number for the cleaners ' mess-room and asked there .
3 Her own family has suffered the anguish of repossession , and her personal story of how her local Liberal Democrat-controlled council helped them made her the winner in the school 's mock election .
4 John Urry and I then broadened it and transformed it to make it the cornerstone of our chapter on postmodernism in The End of Organized Capitalism , especially by locating it within a framework of a book which is essentially a comparative political economy of advanced capitalist societies .
5 When they divorced he gave her the house in a clean break settlement and paid twenty pounds a week maintenanace .
6 I pointed out that his voice had certainly ceased to be soprano , but he pestered me to teach him the solo for the next eisteddfod .
7 Herein lay a paradox : the PSBC was ‘ patronage [ good ] , that is , supporting projects of merit and quality ’ , whereas ‘ paternalism ’ [ bad ] referred to institutions , such as the BBC , which believed they knew what the public needed .
8 I read it in one twenty-minute sitting , howled like a baby for ten more minutes , then phoned the producer and practically begged her to give me the job .
9 When I arrived they showed me the letter they had received from the Chief Education Officer that morning which explained the proposed Statementing procedure :
10 He helped her to make the house ready for the next occupant , and though she protested he gave her the money for her railway journey back to London .
11 One of the Germans stationed in the house got suspicious of Antoinette hanging about near the cellar door and made her give him the key and go down there with him so he could see what she was hiding .
12 Juliet was remembering Celia 's frightened voice as she asked her to tell her the blood results before anyone else .
13 We cut out a Fife man and made him tell us the plan for the men they dropped on the Forth .
14 But this was just a dentist 's waiting room and it made him wonder what the rest of the house would be like .
15 St Ives said it was a mercy he had n't after all approached Meredith and asked him to give her the push .
16 I asked him to describe what the atmosphere in the dressing room is like with the rest of the team .
17 She asked him to teach her the trick , but he said that she was not ready yet .
18 Eventually he persuaded me to give him the name and address of my parents .
19 In that last summer before he died I read him the whole of Proust …
20 At least he knew I told him the truth .
21 On Joe 's previous leave he had noticed how quiet and unhappy she seemed , and persuaded her to tell him the reason .
22 If the racket came right I felt it gave him the confidence to go for the shots .
23 Did I tell you the name They 're place is called , oh there , there was er couple of weeks ago , they had a strip show
24 Did you give him the milk ?
25 So , did you give him the number ?
26 Did you give them the night off ? ’
27 ‘ Why did you give me the map ? ’
28 ‘ Why did you give me the impression that you were one of my father 's employees ? ’ she questioned without preamble .
29 Did you show you the bit where there 's the hanging pots ?
30 If you were unwilling to forward my small gift , why did you send me the gentleman 's name and address ?
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