Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] in [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But William 's grandad was too busy working to notice or care , riding shotgun to a great clattering brute of a knitting machine that reminded him of the Irish cobs he 'd broken in for the brewery ; he could knit thirty fully fashioned stockings an hour , sixteen hours a day .
2 Mind , he 'd crashed in on the situation pretty damn quickly , stepping in and being nice to her almost before she had dried her eyes , trying to get her on the rebound .
3 She was cracking those damn peppermints in her back teeth to disguise the fact she 'd called in at the Oyster Bar on her way up . ’
4 no did n't like how he grouted it because she said there , things like a little nick in the tile , if he 'd gone in with the grouting it would n't of shown any and he did n't
5 Michael had been hitting the phone , recruiting some key staff from hotels he 'd worked in in the past .
6 Lee remembered when a sparrow had flown in through the window of her bedroom when she was a child .
7 He had given in about the purchase of the land , of course .
8 The one time Mayor of Arden , father of the bruised Grace ( ‘ Had it been Paddy Ashdown I would n't have minded one little bit ’ ) , had checked in at the desk and was about to carry his overnight bag up to his room when he noticed her through the glass door of an adjoining room .
9 A spokesman at the hotel said he and the other members of the team had checked in at the weekend and appeared to be none the worse for their ordeal .
10 When mum and I had checked in at the travel desk and given in our suit cases we were able to wander around and have something to eat until our flight was called out .
11 There the plaintiff had booked in at the reception desk of a hotel and only subsequently , on entering her room , did she discover behind the door a notice which claimed to exclude the hotel 's liability for guests ’ property .
12 Leaden clouds had rolled in with the setting sun and as they neared Carvoeiro fat drops of rain began to splash on to the windscreen .
13 His dad had n't much luck dying in his fifties and the boy had looked in with the bread and milk most days since her accident .
14 ‘ Is she of a good family , like Mercy ? ’ asked his surprised mother , who had come in during the conversation .
15 Probably the paper did n't even have wire service , and if it did , he 'd bet a dime that anything which had come in about the book 's author had simply been buried in the chaos then reigning in the newspaper office .
16 He had come in at the door , he had lain down with her , he had been her lover .
17 It had come in for the attack .
18 There was one early proposal about archaeology which became a series called The Blood of the British , where they had come in with the idea of the series .
19 Old Joseph was glad he kept the Christmas cards from his son and daughter in 1987 , for every year since then he has taken them out and displayed them as if they had come in with the post .
20 He was glad that he did n't throw out the Christmas cards from his son and daughter in 1987 , for every year since he had taken them out of the suitcase on top of the wardrobe and displayed them in his own room as if they had come in with the morning post .
21 Ray had come in from the country bank and we sat with Margaret through the short service .
22 It was a relief when Stephen Copley , the Senior Chemist , arrived just before ten , bustling in as usual , his rubicund face with its tonsure and fringe of black curly hair glistening as if he had come in from the sun .
23 McAllister looked at him from under the long dark eyelashes which had won his heart from the very first moment when he had seen them , on his sofa , adorning the unconscious girl he had carried in from the street .
24 So far as the law of affray is concerned , the provision in section 3(5) that the offence may be committed in private as well as in public states the existing law on the point , and arguably ‘ corrects the error ’ that had crept in to the law a century or so earlier .
25 She swam and sunbathed , went sightseeing , worked on her designs , talked brightly on the phone with Lucy , or Dad or Charles whenever they rang her , forcing herself not to ask whether Guy had moved in on the firm yet , and then wincing when Lucy said that he 'd made his mark in a dramatic emergency board meeting , put up the backs of most of the board of directors when he announced sweeping measures to increase profitability , cut overheads …
26 Duncan lay still , confused and wondering why the Army had moved in from the south .
27 When the corporation took control , all the families living there had moved in from the city area .
28 They had moved in from the garden during a cold spell in November .
29 Wainfleet added that although the police had closed in on the area they had missed Sniffy .
30 After he had taxied in to the terminal and parked the plane , he had checked the right engine and its hydraulic system with one of the Aeroflot engineers .
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