Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] him in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They 'd locked him in a dirty little hole with a bed you would n't put a dog under .
2 Yeah , I found , only because I went out one night , and , it was when Mike was still next door and what I 'd done I 'd locked him in the back room and he said he was howling
3 During the six years that followed his restoration , Louis put together again the coalition of ecclesiastical and secular support that had sustained him in the 820s .
4 Daphne Rye once again had pointed him in the right direction .
5 This morning Luke seemed even less human than he had at the interview when obviously she had caught him in an off moment .
6 So he went to the commanding officer at Binbrook ( who was the one who had recommended him in the first place ) , and said — no thanks , I want to get out .
7 He claimed he got started after being spotted in a bar by someone who mistakenly thought they had seen him in a male model magazine .
8 She had seen him in the little town so immersed in looking up at the old buildings , that he ran into a lamppost .
9 She had told him in no uncertain terms , on more than one occasion , that she wanted no more to do with him .
10 ‘ Clinger told me before he left that his lordship had had him in the second Sunday he was there and told him he expected him to switch on the electric fire in the private chapel ten minutes before matins .
11 ‘ What a pleasure it has been , and an honour to have been MP for Winchester for 13 years , ’ he said , thanking those who had supported him in the past year .
12 She had followed him in a second taxi to London Airport , taking her case with her .
13 Makarenko also dealt summarily with the Poltava educational authorities who had appointed him in the first place .
14 Urban 's pro-French foreign policy during the Thirty Years War had left him in an exposed position when Richelieu joined forces with Protestant Sweden to thwart the restoration of Catholicism in Germany .
15 He had two other wins that year , at Zandvoort and Monza , but his car let him down on other occasions when his excellent driving had put him in a race-winning situation .
16 The angry look on the judge 's sallow face showed that either his attendance in court that morning or Cranston 's arrival had put him in an ill humour .
17 I thought that Ben had n't had anything left when I had beaten him in the second round the previous day .
18 Within ten minutes he was on the move again but came towards me very fast and swam into the weeds that formed the roof over the hole where I had hooked him in the first place .
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