Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] and [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In his mind he had obviously got fragments of things that he 'd heard and seen that day , there was an expression that was being called out , To arm citizens , because war had been declared .
2 Meredith leaned forwards to the chart she 'd made and ticked those items off .
3 Her body was weary but her brain was buzzing , trying to make sense of everything she 'd seen and heard that day .
4 It would not look too good if a 110 flown by a man well over forty had outpaced and outmanoeuvred two Spitfires piloted by ‘ the cream ’ .
5 The trail seemed obvious enough , but my intended killer had come and gone that way — must have done — and if he should return for any reason I would n't want to meet him .
6 Had she hoped that Simon would alert Vitor to her presence , and that he might search her out , explain he had rethought and declare undying love ?
7 Opposition sources claimed that police had wounded and killed numerous protestors during anti-government riots in the northern city of Tabriz on Aug. 15 .
8 Only a few months ago , after this Lord Henry Percy had withdrawn to his other urgent command on the Scottish borders , Owen had run wild over most of North Wales , and made himself master of the counties of Carnarvon and Merioneth ; and while the woollier heads in King Henry 's council had seethed and talked bloody war , Hotspur had come swooping back to hold the balance so sturdily that he had been allowed , on the king 's warrant , to approach the Welsh prince , and attempt to bring him back to his allegiance , on promise of honourable terms .
9 Other witnesses said in statements Jobson had reloaded and fired four shots at Mrs Smith .
10 Within two years he had designed and installed electrical repeater devices , indicating to signalmen the position of semaphore signal arms which were outside their range of vision ; an automatic device recording on tape the bell-code communications between signal-boxes ; and the first track circuiting in which the presence of a train on a section of track was indicated electrically in the signal cabin .
11 She had seen and noticed this despondency , this weightedness , in her mother .
12 The simple act of starting out on the route from Tunbridge Wells to Bourne End was nevertheless sufficient to call to her mind every detail of what she had seen and heard that afternoon .
13 Those who had moved from what they described as ‘ inland ’ had made and experienced some choice about the kind of life they cared to lead .
14 In an ensuing fight around Christmas time 1896 the police had swooped and arrested twenty-eight youths some of whom were found to be in possession of pistols , which was taken to link them to a young girl 's death — although this was some months later .
15 Zeno had smiled and prattled cocktail-party talk .
16 The reasoning behind it being that she would not be able to come to terms with the notion of her mother being dead , so by removing her from the place where the tragedy had occurred and allowing enough time to pass , she would better be able to come to terms with her loss .
17 In the gallery Sergeant Juron stood by with a neuro-disruptor till they had cleaned and cradled those blades .
18 Though normally , in the Highlands , there is almost enough light at that time to write by , the storm-clouds that had thickened and threatened all day made it quite dark .
19 In the twenty-two years since Ian Paisley had campaigned for Kilfedder in West Belfast , the world had been turned upside down more than once and the three men had crossed and re-crossed each other , like figures in a bizarre dance .
20 In those hungry , freezing years she had borne and lost two children in the small sod hut in which they lived , before Olga , coming in slightly easier times , had survived .
21 As she could not afford to keep a nanny or an au pair , having permanently available a woman who had borne and reared ten children , together with a woman who had been one of them , had been to Scarlet a godsend .
22 Couville had been Corbett 's master and mentor when Hugh first became a clerk and , despite the gap in years and experience , they had become and remained firm friends .
23 Within a yard , the wheel had stuck and sunk six inches .
24 Both Rennenkampf and Samsonov had distinguished military records as cavalry commanders in Manchuria , but they had quarrelled and become bitter enemies .
25 The older and more knowledgeable horseman knew exactly what had happened and took immediate steps to neutralize this smell .
26 Mr Carey told the jury it would have to decide whether the woman had made a ‘ wicked and false allegation ’ against a serving police officer or whether the officer had gone to the ‘ very depths of the pit of deceit ’ by claiming the woman , less than half his age , had encouraged and enjoyed sexual intercourse with him .
27 Pat , Gabriel and I had spent some years unpicking these variables , but if I wanted to study the cellular events occurring in the minutes after the behavioural stimulus had ceased and representing distinct stages in memory formation , then imprinting would n't be the model of choice .
28 She made it through to the final and an eventual 6th place overall showed just how much she had learned and improved that year .
29 After all , in my job I had learned and spoken another people 's words , and here I was , reduced to my own .
30 Tommy had started and trimmed one side of my head , then noticing that it was six o'clock said ‘ Sha n't be a minute ’ and was gone for ten .
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