Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] in the [num ord] [num] " in BNC.

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1 At home , amongst his people , Mr Kinnock 's speech provoked the most spontaneous and enthusiastic standing ovation he had received in the last three weeks on the campaign trail .
2 This quarter the RIBA asked over 300 practices what marketing activities they had undertaken in the last 12 months .
3 So the tumour , if tumour it was , had grown in the last six months .
4 Either the tumour in my lung had grown in the last three and a half weeks , in which case it must be even more in evidence , or it had stood still , in which case today 's X-rays must be much the same as the previous ones , or it had diminished .
5 The government claimed on June 21 that nearly 41,000 people , including 14,000 children , had died in the first four months of 1992 as a result of shortages of food and medicines caused by UN sanctions [ see pp. 38696 ; 38742 ; 38789 ; 38838 ] .
6 I saw yesterday' in Markstadt a shelter which has beds for 100 of these children ; 42 children had died in the last 24 hours , but these places had been filled up .
7 Over the whole period , the front on the Right Bank never shifted as much as 1 , OOO yards ; for the Germans , a bitter contrast to the five miles they had advanced in the first four days of the offensive .
8 In the editorial which he wrote for the last issue , he discussed the general political situation which had provoked in him a depression of spirit so different from anything he had experienced in the last fifty years as " to be a new emotion " ; but he also confessed to a feeling of staleness as editor .
9 The atmosphere in the tunnel had deteriorated in the last two hours as the cigarette smoke had grown thicker .
10 According to statistics provided by human rights and business organizations , 1,598 Guatemalans had been murdered , 2,517 had suffered bodily harm and 906 had disappeared in the first six months of 1989 .
11 The first day I got back to work , my foreman asked me what I had gained in the last twelve weeks .
12 Quite a few odd things had happened in the last two days and , though this was the first time she 'd admitted it even to herself , she 'd felt vaguely uneasy , threatened , ever since she 'd arrived in Venice .
13 Nothing had changed in the last three years .
14 Caroline Whitehead admitted things had improved in the last two weeks , but said there were still problems .
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