Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] [prep] the second [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Peter Butler , 40 , got divorced for the second time two years ago .
2 ‘ I thought he got killed in the Second World War ! ’
3 The basic logic of her programme since 1979 had been to reverse the main lines of her country 's history as it had developed since the Second World War .
4 The returns also show how far those surnames which are peculiarly local in origin had ramified by the second half of the seventeenth century .
5 The model obtained by combining rational expectations and the simple natural rate hypothesis produces a particularly dramatic policy conclusion , and one which gave rational expectations some initial notoriety , for it suggested that the Keynesian approach to macroeconomic policy which governments in many countries had adopted after the Second World War was at best unnecessary and at worst harmful .
6 Alexander I had decided in the second half of 1825 that the international problems which derived from the conflict between Greeks and Turks could not be resolved by the Concert of Europe .
7 For even if the setting did not have the same grandeur and the leading characters did not have the same epic cast as twenty years earlier , the role that de Gaulle himself had to play was at least as arduous as that which he had played in the Second World War .
8 He had absolutely , however , set his face against accepting help from Ruby Dobby although she had arrived on the second floor that morning full of promises if not promise .
9 By the mid-1980s the Thatcher government was coming under increasingly embarrassing criticism that it had opted for the second style of social policy .
10 But it warned that trading conditions had deteriorated in the second half of last year .
11 The windmill was sited near the school , but it had disappeared by the second half of the 18th century .
12 A small illustration of its front view had appeared in the second edition of Boalch among a selection of plates chosen to illustrate signatures and inscriptions — in this instance ‘ Gulielmus Smith Londini fecit ’ written in ink directly on the frontboard .
13 Not a snap or a twang , but the hamstring had gone for the second time in successive matches .
14 It was when the community of Muslims had progressed to the second caliph — another companion of Muhammad 's named Omar ibn al-Khattab — that Omar 's Arab followers , already having to confront the resistance of the Byzantine emperor to their efforts to expand their area of influence northward into Palestine and Syria , found their drive for conquest opposed by the Persian empire .
15 The fact that most practices ' referral rates had increased in the second phase of the study provides no support for the view that first wave fundholders had artificially increased their rates of referral in the preparatory year to enable them to make budgetary savings in the subsequent year , although their rates were higher than those of the controls in phase 1 .
16 When the crowds had left after the second home match , Chapman met the helpers in the stand and asked them to take him on trust , asserting that the changes were in the club 's interest .
17 He had started on the second chair when Dadda shouted up the stairs .
18 The expansion of learning , which had started in the second half of the fifteenth century , now began to attract Royal attention .
19 The form that literary studies had taken during the second half of the nineteenth century , positivism , was , as we saw in the Introduction , largely based on the genetic approach ; critics , or rather scholars , concentrated their energies on uncovering the sources and genesis of particular works , and the role of biography , history and history of ideas in these genetic studies obviously reduced the importance of literature itself in literary scholarship .
20 When this ounce was available for examination Dr Macdonald selected the largest piece , the one he had spotted in the second X-ray , deeply impacted into a piece of bone and buried inside the young man 's spleen .
21 Ward J. took evidence on the telephone from Dr. F. , who had spoken to Miss T. in the maternity unit after she had stated for the second time that she did not wish to have a blood transfusion and before she had signed the refusal form .
22 The Fund 's 1990 edition of Primary Commodities : Market Developments and Outlook confirmed that non-fuel commodity prices had declined in the second half of 1989 .
23 The second and stronger tendency is a conservative nationalism that views the communist era as a Soviet-imposed interruption of a national democratic tradition that had flourished before the second world war .
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