Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] [noun sg] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Napoleon lacked up-to-the-minute information at the crucial moment ; he did n't know what Bluücher was doing .
2 Florey 's team produced material which stopped bacterial growth at the remarkable dilution of two parts per million .
3 The blaze caused extensive damage at the disused English Martyrs High School at Orford , Warrington scene of numerous fires and acts of vandalism in recent months .
4 He attended Kilmarnock Academy and studied civil engineering at the Royal Technical College in Glasgow and at the University of Glasgow ( B.Sc.
5 Medical efforts to extend the acts first provoked organized opposition at the Social Science Congress at Bristol in October 1869 .
6 Grade III injury occurred regularly in those areas of the mucosa that showed haemorrhagical damage at the macroscopic level .
7 For a girl born and bred in the slums of Clerkenwell she showed surprising embarrassment at the discreet mention of his hopes .
8 ‘ We owed old Fredor at the Crimson Leech eight silver pieces , ’ he added .
9 The first , the James Report ( DES , 1972 ) , followed growing concern at the slow rate of change in the education service ( Parry , 1972 ) .
10 Areas , in which deeper erosions persisted , were largely identical with those areas which exhibited haemorrhagical damage at the macroscopic level .
11 Undoubtedly , the Prince of Wales ' unprecedented public denunciation in April 1989 of Ceauşescu 's demolitions in Bucharest and his plan to ‘ systematize , rural Romania represented genuine revulsion at the human consequences of the Conducator 's policies .
12 Ebert glared pure hatred at the big man 's back .
13 In strong wind it was as nimble as one might wish and had exceptional stability at the extreme sides of the wind window .
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