Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] more than a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And he was there , making the impossible leap from the ground to the moving platform , ducking beneath the barrel of the cannon , waving his chainsword in circles as if it weighed no more than a walking stick .
2 Before she had time to move she felt his arms around her , scooping her bodily from the fountain as if she weighed no more than a feather .
3 She was lifted against his bare chest as if she weighed no more than a feather , the shock of his warm skin and the slight roughness of short , curling hair against her palms rendering her abruptly speechless .
4 The bomb weighed no more than a pound and a man could carry up to thirty of them .
5 Perhaps Somalia has more in common with Chad , another desert full of warlords , where the toppling of one gang by another caused no more than a bit of looting last month .
6 He reached for Freddy , and with what seemed no more than a flick of his wrist pitched him across the foyer .
7 None of this shows , of course , that the folk theories , even if false , are not well and truly in consciousness ; indeed if they were not one could not truly be said to be working with a false theory of the mind ( unless theory became no more than a structure of , possibly unconscious , assumptions ) .
8 With the collapse of the Seamen 's United all thoughts of a national organisation became no more than a pipe dream .
9 Henceforth the local , stable community where relationships were both personal and persistent became no more than a rarity in the modern world .
10 I had thought I might stroll out towards the famous Liseberg Gardens , but I got no more than a couple of hundred yards before I was turned back by the pitiless downpour .
11 And old man Verne-Smith and his wife , he knew , lived no more than a mile away , but them he avoided out of simple antipathy .
12 Against this background the terms of settlement of the 1911 strike indicated no more than a truce in the battle for the control of the supply of labour in the industry .
13 In the course of his farming life , Quentin Seddon kept no more than a handful of pigs .
14 Supposed to be matron , and knew no more than a charwoman .
15 He sat forward , squinting through a blood haze at what looked no more than a child .
16 It took no more than a year before exhibitions of the works that he had brought out of Russia ( these being just part of what he had owned before leaving his best works to the Russian people ) began their triumphant tour of the prestigious galleries of Europe , America and Canada .
17 Notwithstanding the former grandeur of the Cathedral , Johnson wrote no more than a page on Elgin , concluding with an attractive clue to a traveller in his wake : ‘ In the chief street of Elgin , the houses jut over the lowest story , like the old buildings of timber in London , but with greater prominence : so that there is sometimes a walk for a considerable length under a cloister , or portico . ’
18 The caravan journey lasted no more than a mile .
19 The death sentences were commuted at the end of 1849 , but only when the prisoners had arrived at the place of execution and been led to believe , as Dostoevsky put it , that they " had no more than a minute left to live " .
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