Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] him [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Just as he disagreed with him about the essential or principal properties of body , Locke disagreed with Descartes about the mind .
2 Black fury rose in him against the evil creature who was leeching Ireland of her youth , but Nuadu quenched it , lest the Robemaker turn it to his use .
3 In 1741 Collinson reported to him on the miraculous achievement at Thorndon :
4 I stopped beside him as the other three went on ahead .
5 As Mr Mansell hesitated , Emerson Fittipaldi from Brazil and Arie Luyendyk from Holland zoomed past him on the main straight .
6 It was full of pieces of paper , which he dropped behind him for the other boys to follow .
7 It worked ; the old man came with him into the junk-filled yard .
8 Essentially , the proofs of the reality of God appealed to him as the only adequate explanation for the existence of the world .
9 The tiny movements of the wherry and the gentle , muted river sounds which came to him through the warm night air gave him no relief .
10 It came to him in the small hours .
11 Conversely , if the accused can show that the material came to him in the normal course of business from a reputable supplier , he may have a defence .
12 He , too , suffered from an occasional enlightening vision which came to him from the dim past and which he must have suppressed at the time …
13 As for Mr Berkley , the conversation seemed to him like the macabre chorus of some drama in which he was eventually to appear , by some unexpected twist of the plot , as the despicable villain .
14 The Gallic chief , Commius , who had been a friend and ally of Caesar , turned against him in the great revolt of Vercingetorix after the Roman invasion of 55 and 54 BC .
15 And we all nodded at him : the man of finance , the man of accounts , the man of law , we all nodded at him over the polished table that like a still sheet of brown water reflected our faces , lined , wrinkled ; our faces marked by toil , by deceptions , by success , by love ; our weary eyes looking still , looking always , looking anxiously for something out of life , that while it is expected is already gone — has passed unseen , in a sigh , in a flash — together with the youth , with the strength , with the romance of illusions .
16 ‘ That 's more than you 'd dare , Deveraugh , ’ she threw at him from the relative safety of the riverbank , and he laughed softly , the sound of it filling her ears as she sped across the grass .
17 And of course , Bullitt had directly observed the man and interacted with him during the critical time at , at the Versailles conference .
18 Noah 's knowledge of the law applicable to gipsies surprised Arnold Peck , but now he glanced about him at the listening gipsies .
19 I walked towards him on the stony track
20 Tina walked towards him in the rain-washed playground while Jack looked warily round for her brother .
21 She walked past him into the tiny hallway and picked up her bags , noticing with relief that he was n't around when she fled up the narrow wooden stairs to one of the three bedrooms , the one furthest away from his .
22 She walked past him into the big sitting-room and he followed her , lounging insolently against the door-frame as once more his eyes seemed to strip her .
23 She felt again the fear she had known when she walked into him in the dark passage .
24 Nellie 's face took on a hard look as she walked beside him along the tiled corridor .
25 Rachel was pale as she walked beside him into the cool marble courtyard , the towering stone fountain echoing beneath the glass dome .
26 Soon he was taken away : a uniformed guard simply beckoned to him through the half-open door .
27 ‘ Would you like a cup of coffee ? ’ he said to her at a station , and she grinned at him over the cardboard beaker , holding it with both hands .
28 He openly talked of him as the probable successor to the see of Canterbury .
29 Now , as she wearily trailed behind him into the main living-room , Laura 's nose wrinkled at the musty , stale atmosphere of the room .
30 Eliot produced a single page of notes from his pocket which he placed before him on the small table and brooded over for a while ; but when he started , he managed to pack in , during 45 minutes or so , a great deal of sound sense on the subject of drama and especially on the relation of drama to religion .
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