Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] the same [noun] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Ironically , the award came in the same week that an article in Time Out magazine revealed an ongoing private dispute between Sellafield and the Central Electricity Generating Board ( CEGB ) about the efficiency and safety of reprocessing .
2 Jolosa stormed : ‘ If he played in the same league that I do , he 'd end up in trouble too . ’
3 UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont reiterated on the same day that the UK government would take whatever action was necessary to maintain the existing DM2.95 central parity of the pound .
4 The news came on the same day that the car makers Rover announced another year of losses .
5 It happened with the same naturalness that had first drawn them together , and in taking her he felt the greatest fulfilment of his life .
6 It commented in the same year that , ‘ while recognizing the considerable contribution that Mr Hornby has made in building up the Council to its present position of eminence within the colleges , it was now time for the CNAA 's influence to be more widely felt ’ .
7 Gen. Kadijevic stated on the same day that " Yugoslavia as it existed until now has ceased to be " and that " the army is therefore taking certain decisions into its own hands " .
8 But we stuck with the same tune that Wally had come up with .
9 Internal chip design , which began at the same time that HaL Computer Systems Inc started developing its own proprietary 64-bit Sparc chips , aims at producing a 500MHz microprocessor by the fourth quarter of 1996 .
10 Internal chip design , which began at the same time that HaL Computer Systems started developing its own proprietary 64-bit Sparc chips , aims at producing a 500MHz microprocessor part by the fourth quarter of 1996 .
11 Pérez announced in the same speech that prices of electricity ( for both domestic and industrial consumers ) , petrol and basic foodstuffs would be frozen , that prices of medicines would be " stabilized " and that financial provisions for public transport , home ownership , housing for the military and small businesses would be improved .
12 She moved nearer , her silks and veils rustling about her , and we all watched with the same affection that she invoked from family and friends alike .
13 Nicaragua retaliated on Dec. 30 by ordering 20 US diplomats to leave the country forthwith , and US President George Bush admitted on the same day that the action was a " screw-up " .
14 Patiently , I went through the same arguments that I 'd used with Mazzin himself , emphasizing that we did n't want any trouble but would n't tolerate abuse , and that we felt Islamic Jihad did n't want to cause us unnecessary distress .
15 Unless we went over the same day that Susan went over .
16 But perhaps because she was thus secretly rejecting him and yet knew at the same time that he was in love with her , a sense of justice prompted her to help him in amorous efforts , to support him , to rid him of childish embarrassment .
17 Leith had grown fond of both of them , and , feeling sorry for them , she knew at the same time that this was something they would have to work out for themselves .
18 Interestingly , this work drew to a large extent upon the highly-theorised use of psychoanalysis and deconstruction ; it emerged around the same time that the feminist anti-pornography movement , on a grassroots and activist basis , was also seriously problematising our culture 's sight of women 's bodies .
19 The United Kingdom announced at the same time that it was freeing Iraqi assets worth £70,000,000 ( about US$126,000,000 ) , but a UK Foreign Office spokesman denied allegations that Richer 's release had been secured by an unpublicised arrangement between Iraq and the UK , said to involve the unfreezing of part of £621,400,000 ( US$1,100 million ) held by banks in the UK .
20 Thus , while trade unionists wished old people to be kept at a level of economic decency , they realized at the same time that pensions without a retirement condition would erode the wage structure and weaken trade union bargaining .
21 A Soviet official argued at the same time that Warsaw Pact proposals on the non-expansion of military-political groupings in Europe and on limiting the scale of military exercises also involved the interests of the non-aligned countries since ‘ the tendency towards expanding the NATO bloc directly affects the newly independent countries ’ .
22 Cautiously she admitted it but said in the same breath that it was of no consequence because her father had died for political reasons .
23 However , the court also said in the same paragraph that Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 101/76 required member states to respect the principle that there should be no discrimination against nationals of other member states .
24 General Philippe Morillon , the commander of the UN 's forces in Bosnia , said on the same day that he expected a solution soon to the siege of Sarajevo .
25 The FRY recognized the independence of Slovenia on Aug. 13 , but the Slovene President Milan Kucan said on the same day that this recognition meant nothing " until the FRY itself obtains international recognition " [ for wide international recognition of Slovenia in January 1992 , see p. 38703 ] .
26 Fortunately the driver made up for this heresy by roundly cursing the French , whom he disliked for the same reason that most Englishmen do — the way they clutter up the place , never get out of the way and ca n't speak English .
27 I had n't noticed this picture much while she was alive , but now she was dead it seemed as if her eyes sparkled with the same vitality that they had appeared to possess when I had seen her lying cold on her straw mattress a few days earlier .
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