Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] the [adj] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 He not only got through the first round but he reached the final again !
2 She does n't know how he got through the main doors and an electronically operated gate to get in to the courtyard where the car is always left unlocked .
3 However disagreements arose between the two parties and after taking legal advice Mr Manners challenged the terms of the Licence and argued that his occupation had all the rights of a protected tenancy . ’
4 If that was true , would I approve an auction of my personal belongings , jewellery , dishes , everything and just stand aside helpless ? ’ she asked during the joint Fox and Sky News interview in New York .
5 When the hounds checked for the fourth time and could no. find again no matter how the huntsman held them round , Nora and Sir George withdrew .
6 He applied for the first chair and then thought better of it and withdrew the application ; refused to apply for the second despite the supplications of Cambridge friends ; and finally applied for the third , the chair of primacy , the regius chair made vacant by the retirement of Charles Raven .
7 You felt that she passionately cared about the French soldiers and made sure they won the war .
8 A list of deadlines and responsibilities was drawn up and agreed between the two departments and this has led to a better understanding of each others tasks and the benefits of compliance .
9 In contradistinction to the indolent paupers who sponged off the Poor Rate and exploited pay make-up , and the hard-working landless town dweller who also suffered , he further cited the most respectable portion of the peasantry who were prevented from rising above the nominal low price of hire , so that the wage level ‘ must soon fall too low to allow the most abstemious worker to maintain himself .
10 He had the choice of half-a-dozen alleys which led off the main street and climbed to the terraces .
11 As Pittsburgh expanded during the twentieth century and out-of-town residential locations became feasible , the population profile of the North Side changed .
12 Every day , he passed between the cliff-top fort and the captured castle at its foot , clearing the way not just for the King 's casual occupation , but to repair the defences of Kyrenia against the corsair , or Carlotta , or the Turk .
13 From here , a futher interpretation of the Miller 's Tale may be proposed which is similar in form to that of Les quatre Souhais Saint Martin recalled just above , although far less severe , morally , than either that proposed for the French fabliau or that of the allegorizers .
14 He only entered for the Foreign Office and the block plan , with a total of ten drawings , and was awarded one of the fifth prizes for his Foreign Office design .
15 When he reported for the necessary swearing and documentation , the local recruiting officer and his staff were understandably disappointed that Harold could tell them nothing about what his duties were to be .
16 Groans and sobbing wove through the smoke-reeked air but the sprinklers were already pouring foam on to the consoles and the power cut abruptly .
17 This is a combination of the list we used for the first plan and the list used for the draft of the second plan .
18 Conflict erupted between the Soviet Union and China , and inside the East European bloc , and even before the collapse of the communist regimes there were vigorous manifestations of nationalist feeling in those countries which included different national groups within their boundaries , whenever political conditions allowed it to be expressed .
19 In the preamble to the final version of the Declaration released by Egyptian officials , contracting parties reaffirmed their " rejection of the aggressive course and alignment that occurred during the Iraqi aggression and occupation of the state of Kuwait " and recognized that it had " destroyed many of the concepts and achievements of joint Arab action " .
20 When he came back , he tried for the Anglican priesthood and was rejected . ’
21 The snake looked at him with its two small cold eyes , and moved through the open mouth and went round and round the neck , and stopped .
22 Elsewhere , tensions occurred between the voluntary sector and local government ( Green , 1978 ; Liverpool CVS , 1978 ) .
23 I hope you 've found the meeting this evening positive , I 'm sure you have n't heard perhaps if the people found after the this evening and the guy up there reckons we ought to retire , well I do n't think we will retire but I think we will be responding to the things that you raised this evening I happen to think the Harlow theatre I 'm not sure how you measure success , erm I think we measure it 's success in the fact that people actually do use the building , people do come to see the shows .
24 Weber scurried to the ship 's blower , and shouted down it in fury , while Katze knelt below the shattered windowpane and took potshots at the dock with his Luger .
25 I wandered towards the open country and the hills .
26 Outside the wind blustered and beat against the wooden shutters and the huge sign , swinging on its iron pole , creaked and groaned as if calling out across the darkened , rain-soaked meadows .
27 The sensible thing would have been to say that Crabb had been diving in the area to test out equipment and had got into difficulties , surfaced near the Russian ships and then drowned .
28 However , the level of total exports and of exports of manufactures rose throughout the long boom and the 1970s .
29 Salt from the floors of these buildings seeped into the surrounding sub-soil and was drawn up by capillary action through the stones and mortar of the church .
30 They moved into the next room and sat down to dinner .
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