Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , working women were more independent and less likely to marry early ; and the real significance of this controversy was what it revealed about the ideological assumptions of ruling-class men .
2 Scientists working on the jet fusion project at Culham in south Oxfordshire have been protesting today in a bid to influence leading figures in the project as they met for the second day of their full Council Meeting .
3 On Wednesday 13 February , we met for the second time with pensions as the agenda item .
4 They met for the first time at the weekend as their two-week-old girls were swopped and handed back to the right mothers .
5 They met for the first time at the Liverpool Adult Deaf and Dumb Society in Princes Avenue on the 25 April 1890 .
6 It met for the first time on 25 February 1986 and includes representatives from the Departments of Transport , Environment , Employment , and Trade and Industry ; Kent County Council ; the district councils of ; elected members of Kent local authorities and Parliamentary constituencies ; Eurotunnel ; Transmanche Link ; and British Rail .
7 They all met for the first time on the show .
8 They met for the first time on May 13th 1794 , a date which had been specified in the statute .
9 Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir , in January [ see p. 38710 ] was formed on Feb. 13 under the chairmanship of Col. Mohammed al-Amin Khalifah ; it met for the first time on Feb. 24 in the building which formerly housed the National Assembly — the elected parliament overthrown by Bashir in June 1989 [ see p. 36728 ] .
10 His remarks , in a Daily Telegraph interview , triggered protests from right-wing Tory MPs and pitched the Cabinet into more controversy as it met for the first time since the summer break .
11 His remarks , in a Daily Telegraph interview , triggered protests from right-wing Tory MPs and pitched the Cabinet into more controversy as it met for the first time since the summer break .
12 Such is the force of tradition that when the newly instituted Parliament of Northern Ireland met for the first time in 1921 , its first act was to claim these ‘ undoubted and ancient privileges ’ .
13 Earlier , the new Conflict Prevention Centre of the CSCE met for the first time in Vienna on July 1-2 , as requested by Austria , and called for an immediate ceasefire and the return of the JNA to barracks , but failed to reach the necessary unanimity on sending a CSCE observer mission .
14 They all met for the international meeting at Salzburg in 1908 , having corresponded from 1906 onwards .
15 In 1911 Shinwell , after varied experience in a number of industries , became through the good offices of the highly influential Glasgow Trades Council , of which he was vice-chairman , a voluntary official of Wilson 's union , though he had no personal knowledge of seagoing or of the sea .
16 and said that Christopher was on interview and er if he got through the first part to the second part he would in the afternoon he would give us a ph a ring , erm but he , by ten to two he had n't phoned so she assumed he was on his way back having
17 ‘ Aye , yesterday ! ’ she exclaimed accusingly , seizing on the distraction when his words finally got through the strange fog in her brain .
18 The opportunity for the PLO to assert sovereignty over a specific territory arose through the Jordanian decision in July 1988 to sever administrative and legal links with the West Bank [ see p. 36120 ] .
19 All parties to the Afghan conflict had been invited to talks , which were postponed after disagreements arose between the rival groups over the conference .
20 Blanche tumbled through the front door of her flat just after eleven o'clock .
21 They watched in silence until he came closer , then , as he swooped between the grey walls of the drawbridge and came clattering into the courtyard over cobblestones that were now covered only by a thin film of slush , Marc deliberately removed his arm from around her waist .
22 The two women jumped out and sprinted for the front door of the cottage , Donna struggling with the key .
23 Secondly , he cared about the intellectual question in religious life .
24 We qualified for the European championship without him , so we do n't have to take risks . ’
25 TERRY COOPER yesterday accused Cambridge of a time-wasting campaign as Birmingham qualified for the international stage of the Anglo-Italian Cup .
26 He qualified for the light-middleweight semi-finals by beating Norway 's Ole Klemetsen .
27 At that moment Belinda looked over her shoulder and , seeing them together , detached herself from the rest of the group and tramped through the dying bracken towards them .
28 For many years I consulted for the American GE in Schenectady and the thing that struck me there was the way that when they wanted to attack a particular area they could mount an army of people on it , all of whom were pretty good . ’
29 Wielding the gavel in front of 1,500 people in sweltering heat under a tent on a village football pitch , Paris auctioneer Jacques Tajan sold off the entire contents of the château of antique dealer Bernard Steinitz over the weekend of 29-31 May for FFr 20,049,290 ( £2,045,845 ; $3,682,522 ) .
30 Wycliffe skimmed through the accumulated paper on his table , pushed it aside , got up , and walked to the window where he stood , looking out .
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