Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] the [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Evelyn peered through the newly installed spyhole after turning on the porch light , unfastened the two fresh locks and gave her visitor a radiant smile .
2 You could see the filth heaving with them as you peered through the crudely cut holes in the wood which served for seats , and sometimes they would crawl out through these holes and invade the neighbouring parts of the camp .
3 It bounced a few yards ahead of the Hussars ' advance , then slammed into a wood where it tore and crashed through the thickly leaved branches .
4 He drew a deep breath and headed for the nearest parked car .
5 Jumping out of bed , she peered into the dimly lit corridor .
6 There were several prominent Anglophobes in Truman 's Administration , like James Byrnes , the Secretary of State , but most of the opposition stemmed from the widely held belief within the American electorate that the United States should guard its lead , if not monopoly , in military and civil uses of atomic energy .
7 A degree of light emanated from the silently hurtling water , which she felt as a force urging her forward , as though she were in its grip and swept along with it .
8 The lady betrothed to the newly created Khan of the province of Khitai , her face flushed with suppressed laughter , was also trying to make herself heard .
9 There was no time for emotion as the blood was swabbed away and she concentrated on the badly gashed cheekbone .
10 They drove through the brightly lit city streets of Tsimshatsui , and it was like hurtling back to earth through the atmosphere ; Rachel felt she was being shaken till her teeth rattled as the car sped up through the cross-harbour tunnel into Causeway Bay , past the bobbing sampans and the escort clubs , speeding towards Central District along the harbour road , traffic everywhere , horns blasting in her ears …
11 The lawyer had always maintained that the money he received was a legitimate success fee for the vital role he played in the bitterly fought takeover battle .
12 It seems probable that supplies of wire also came from the long demolished Cambridge wire works a few miles away on the River Cam , close to the old road to Dursley .
13 In a drift away from the Auld Alliance , leading magnates appealed to the newly crowned Queen Elizabeth of England to help rid them of the French .
14 Douglas Hurd came to the newly christened Oxford Brookes University … formerly the Polytechnic … to inaugurate an annual lecture series … named for him …
15 She bridled at the coolly assessing tone of his voice .
16 She gestured at the richly appointed room .
17 A biting wind had blown up and ruffled his fair hair as he nodded towards the brightly lit bar on the other side of the square .
18 They turned on the newly arrived Marines in surprise , and yet with considerable ferocity , hurling themselves at the armed men , who coolly gunned them down , their machetes being no match for rifles .
19 Shortly after eleven , on that same morning , George Cowley arrived at the neatly maintained country house that belonged to Len Hatch , Chrissie 's father , and a man more familiarly known in Cowley 's circuit as The Hatchet .
20 The wars of the Fronde broke out and the Barberini went back to Rome where their theatre reopened with the significantly named Dal Male il Bene .
21 As the discussion followed between the now cosseted intruder and the male members of the small walking party which had found its grail at the lakeside Hotel , Miss Skelton was deferred to by her father , complimented by her mother , patted and plumped by her friends and avoided only by the chaplain , the Reverend Nicholson , who , Hope judged , was in love with her but too poor to press , too honourable to hotly pursue any claim .
22 Given the central objective of this category of public interest immunity as ‘ the maintenance of an honourable , disciplined , law-abiding and uncorrupt police force , ’ given the grave public disquiet understandably aroused by proven malpractice on the part of some at least of those who served in the now disbanded West Midlands Serious Crime Squad , given the extensive publicity already attaching to the documents here in question following the appellant 's successful appeal , it seems to us nothing short of absurd to suppose that those who co-operated in this investigation — largely other police officers and court officials — will regret that co-operation , or that future generations of potential witnesses will withhold it , were this court now to release the documents to C.N.L. to enable them to defeat if they can an allegedly corrupt claim in damages .
23 Ruth knocked on the now open door and then stepped into the suite .
24 He walked across the dimly lit room to the sideboard on which a number of candlesticks stood .
25 When we got inside the dimly lit space beneath the main altar , we found an open coffin , in which a partially decomposed skeleton was lying .
26 They seemed so much less menacing than the crows that pecked and fought in the newly harvested fields at home .
27 The trip started from the well known Camp Chewonki in Wiscasset , Maine .
28 In 1789 the cahiers ( statements of grievances ) submitted to the newly summoned States-General from the Béarn and Bigorre areas in the Pyrenees included demands for clearer delimitation of the frontier with Spain , and those from Bresse , in south-eastern France , for further tidying-up of the boundary with Savoy .
29 They would cry with the pain of numbed fingers as they worked on the never ending piles of ore .
30 Before them stretched a tunnel of darkness , broken only by the beam of light that flashed over tree trunks and gleamed on the gracefully curving fronds of ferns .
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